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The NIS2 Directive & Its Impact on Cybersecurity Across the E.U.

In response to an endless barrage of cyber-attacks targeting private, public and state-sponsored organizations across the European Union (E.U.), there has been a call to widen the scope of risk management requirements and to increase accountability with regards to security supervisory measures. As such, the E.U. has taken a decisive step forward with the introduction of the NIS2 Directive. This directive, which seeks to supersede its predecessor (NIS), aims to fortify the cybersecurity posture of organizations across the continent, ensuring that the digital infrastructure remains resilient against a backdrop of evolving threats. The NIS2 Directive aims to strengthen the security requirements, address the security of supply chains, streamline reporting obligations, and introduce more stringent supervisory measures and stricter enforcement. As we navigate through this comprehensive guideline, let’s delve into the essence of NIS2, its enforcement mechanisms, and what it signifies for organizations striving for excellence in cybersecurity.

Unveiling the NIS2 Directive: A Beacon of Cyber Resilience

The NIS2 Directive emerges as a landmark legislative endeavor by the European Union, setting a new horizon for cybersecurity norms across its member states. Recognizing the pivotal role of digital infrastructure in the contemporary socio-economic landscape, this directive not only aims to rectify the vulnerabilities identified in its predecessor but also endeavors to architect a robust cybersecurity framework capable of withstanding the ever-evolving cyber threats. By mandating an elevated baseline of security measures, NIS2 embodies the EU’s commitment to safeguarding its digital ecosystem against the backdrop of increasing cyber adversities.

This legislative framework is distinguished by its ambitious scope, encapsulating a diverse spectrum of sectors deemed critical for the EU’s functionality and prosperity. From energy and transport to banking and healthcare, NIS2 acknowledges the interconnected nature of these sectors and the paramount importance of their security in ensuring the seamless operation of the Union’s digital and physical infrastructure. It’s this comprehensive inclusivity that marks a significant advancement from its predecessor, aiming to weave a tighter security net across the EU’s vast digital landscape.

Moreover, NIS2 accentuates the imperative of stringent compliance, embedding enhanced obligations for entities within its purview. These include the adoption of advanced risk management protocols, the establishment of incident reporting mechanisms, and the implementation of cutting-edge cybersecurity measures. Through these provisions, NIS2 propels organizations towards not merely reacting to cyber incidents but fostering a proactive culture of cyber resilience, thereby elevating the cybersecurity stature of the European Union to new heights.

The Expanded Scope and Enhanced Obligations Under NIS2

The inception of the NIS2 Directive ushers in an era of elevated cybersecurity expectations, broadening its dominion to envelop an array of critical sectors and digital service providers. This strategic expansion reflects the European Union’s acute awareness of the ubiquitous nature of cyber threats and underscores a resolute commitment to fortifying every facet of its digital and physical infrastructures. The proposed expansion of the scope covered by NIS2 would effectively oblige more entities and sectors to take measures. The directive’s enhanced scope is not merely a quantitative increase but a qualitative leap forward, embodying a holistic approach to cybersecurity that acknowledges the intricate interdependencies within the EU’s socio-economic ecosystem.

With this expansion comes a suite of augmented obligations that entities must embrace. NIS2 mandates the implementation of rigorous risk management protocols, establishing a framework wherein proactive measures are not just encouraged but required. The essence of these obligations lies in their potential to transform reactive security postures into dynamic, anticipatory defenses, capable of not just withstanding but preempting cyber threats. This paradigm shift necessitates a comprehensive reevaluation of existing cybersecurity practices, pushing organizations to adopt not only advanced technologies but also to cultivate a culture of perpetual vigilance and resilience.

Incident reporting protocols, another cornerstone of the directive, serve a dual purpose: they ensure timely and effective responses to cyber incidents while fostering a climate of transparency and cooperation among EU members. This collective approach to cybersecurity is emblematic of the NIS2 Directive’s vision—a vision where collaborative effort and shared responsibility pave the way towards a secure and resilient digital Europe.

Enforcement Mechanisms and the Role of National Authorities

The NIS2 Directive’s ambitions for a cyber-resilient Europe are bolstered by a comprehensive enforcement framework, meticulously designed to ensure unwavering adherence to its mandates. At the heart of this framework stand the National Authorities, designated as the vanguards of implementation and compliance within their territories. These authorities are vested with the power to enact a wide array of enforcement actions, signifying the European Union’s resolute stance on cybersecurity discipline.

Empowered to conduct thorough audits, these entities delve into the operational intricacies of organizations, assessing their compliance with the NIS2’s stringent requirements. Their purview extends beyond mere evaluation; they are authorized to request detailed information, compelling entities to demonstrate their commitment to cybersecurity resilience through tangible evidence. This level of scrutiny underscores the directive’s focus on transparency and accountability, ensuring that organizations are not just compliant in theory but in practice as well.

Should discrepancies or lapses in compliance be uncovered, National Authorities are equipped to impose penalties that reflect the severity of the infraction. Non-compliance with the NIS2 Directive can result in significant financial penalties. This enforcement mechanism serves a dual purpose: it acts as a deterrent against non-compliance and motivates entities to proactively bolster their cybersecurity measures. The clear message sent by this rigorous approach is that the European Union will tolerate no compromise on the security of its digital landscape. Through this dynamic interplay between National Authorities and organizations, the NIS2 Directive is transforming the fabric of cybersecurity across the continent, fostering an environment where resilience is not just encouraged, but mandated. 1500w,×167.png.webp 500w,×400.png.webp 1200w,×256.png.webp 768w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 1500px) 100vw, 1500px” data-lazy-src=”” />

The Implications of NIS2 for Cybersecurity Product Selection and Budget Optimization

In light of the NIS2 Directive’s rigorous mandates, the landscape of cybersecurity product selection and budget management is undergoing a pivotal transformation. The directive’s comprehensive security requirements compel organizations to critically assess and elevate their cybersecurity toolkits. This shift necessitates a strategic alignment of cybersecurity solutions with the NIS2 standards, underscoring the importance of integrating advanced technologies and scalable solutions that not only bolster cyber defenses but also ensure seamless compliance.

The value of the EU cybersecurity market is estimated at more than €130 billion. The directive champions a proactive stance on cybersecurity, thereby influencing organizations to prioritize investments in solutions that offer not just immediate protection but long-term adaptability to the evolving cyber threat landscape. This includes leveraging automation and artificial intelligence to enhance threat detection and response, as well as adopting cloud-based services that provide flexibility and scalability. As a consequence, budget allocation strategies must evolve to accommodate these sophisticated solutions, balancing the need for compliance with the imperative to remain vigilant against future cyber threats.

Moreover, the selection of cybersecurity products must be guided by a holistic understanding of the organization’s unique risk profile and operational requirements. This approach ensures that investments are not only NIS2-compliant but are also efficacious in addressing specific vulnerabilities and enhancing the overall security posture. In essence, the NIS2 Directive serves as a catalyst for organizations to reevaluate and optimize their cybersecurity budget, encouraging a strategic investment in technologies that drive not only compliance but also comprehensive cyber resilience.

The Role of Visionary Leadership in NIS2 Compliance

In the landscape shaped by the NIS2 Directive, the mantle of leadership carries with it an imperative to see beyond the horizon of current cybersecurity challenges. Visionary leaders stand at the vanguard of this new era, charged not only with navigating the complexities of compliance but also with cultivating an organizational ethos that prioritizes resilience and adaptability in the face of cyber threats. It is a role that transcends traditional expectations, demanding a forward-thinking approach that integrates strategic foresight with actionable intelligence.

The essence of visionary leadership in the context of NIS2 compliance lies in the ability to harness the collective strength and ingenuity of an organization. It involves championing the cause of cybersecurity across all echelons, advocating for the resources and technologies that align with the directive’s rigorous standards. It means inspiring a culture where every member understands their role in safeguarding the digital domain, fostering an environment where proactive security measures are ingrained in the fabric of daily operations.

Furthermore, visionary leaders recognize the value of cross-functional collaboration as a cornerstone of effective cybersecurity strategy. They seek to break down silos, fostering an integrated approach that leverages diverse perspectives and expertise in pursuit of a common goal: a resilient and secure digital infrastructure. Through their guidance, organizations are poised not only to meet the mandates of the NIS2 Directive but to set a standard for cybersecurity excellence that resonates throughout the European Union and beyond.

In this evolving digital landscape, the role of visionary leadership is not just to comply but to inspire, transforming the challenges posed by NIS2 into opportunities for innovation, growth, and enduring cyber resilience.

The NIS2 Directive as a Catalyst for Transformative Change

The NIS2 Directive heralds a significant shift in the European Union’s approach to cybersecurity, marking a pivotal moment in the collective endeavor to shield our digital ecosystem from the ever-present shadow of cyber threats. Its enactment is not merely a regulatory adjustment but a profound call to action, urging organizations across the EU to elevate their cybersecurity protocols, refine their strategic priorities, and fundamentally transform their operational ethos towards enhanced digital resilience.

This transformative framework demands more than mere compliance; it invites entities to reimagine their cybersecurity landscapes, integrating cutting-edge technologies and forward-thinking practices that extend beyond the immediacy of threat mitigation. It underscores the imperative for a holistic, anticipatory approach to cyber defense, emphasizing the necessity of strategic foresight and adaptability in an era characterized by rapid technological evolution and increasingly sophisticated cyber adversaries.

As organizations navigate this new directive, the impetus to innovate, to cultivate robust cyber resilience, becomes a defining challenge—and opportunity. The journey toward NIS2 compliance catalyzes a comprehensive reassessment of cybersecurity postures, propelling entities to not only fortify their defenses but also to champion a culture of continuous improvement and collaborative vigilance.

In essence, the NIS2 Directive serves as a formidable lever for transformative change, shaping a future in which the European Union stands as a paragon of cyber resilience. It is a future where the collective commitment to cybersecurity transcends regulatory compliance, embedding itself in the very DNA of organizational strategy and culture, forging a path toward a secure, resilient digital Europe for generations to come.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About Portnox
Portnox provides simple-to-deploy, operate and maintain network access control, security and visibility solutions. Portnox software can be deployed on-premises, as a cloud-delivered service, or in hybrid mode. It is agentless and vendor-agnostic, allowing organizations to maximize their existing network and cybersecurity investments. Hundreds of enterprises around the world rely on Portnox for network visibility, cybersecurity policy enforcement and regulatory compliance. The company has been recognized for its innovations by Info Security Products Guide, Cyber Security Excellence Awards, IoT Innovator Awards, Computing Security Awards, Best of Interop ITX and Cyber Defense Magazine. Portnox has offices in the U.S., Europe and Asia. For information visit, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.。

Decoding Unified Access Control: A Comprehensive Guide

Decoding Unified Access Control: A Comprehensive Guide 

In an age where cyber threats are not only becoming more sophisticated but are also increasing in volume, ensuring the security of your network is paramount. Enter Unified Access Control (UAC), a robust security framework designed to guard digital assets against unauthorized access while maintaining a seamless user experience. By creating a secure environment that functions as an independent parallel to the Internet, UAC represents a critical evolution in how organizations protect their data. This guide aims to decode Unified Access Control, offering insights into how it operates across networks and its role in the contemporary cybersecurity landscape.

Understanding Unified Access Control and Its Importance

Unified Access Control (UAC) marks a paradigm shift in network security, centralizing the management and enforcement of access policies across a diverse array of entry points within an organization’s digital ecosystem. Organizations can restrict access to specific resources, limit privileges, and reduce the risk of data breaches using network access controls. This centralized approach is a departure from conventional security strategies that often operate in isolation, addressing specific areas of the network without a cohesive overarching framework. UAC stands out by offering a unified security posture, integrating access controls and policies across various platforms and devices to ensure consistent protection.

The criticality of UAC in today’s cybersecurity landscape cannot be overstated. As businesses continue to diversify their technology stacks, incorporating cloud solutions and mobile technologies, the challenge of securing an ever-expanding network perimeter intensifies. UAC addresses this challenge head-on by providing a scalable and adaptable framework that can evolve in response to new threats and changing business needs. This adaptability is crucial in maintaining a robust defense against a backdrop of rapidly evolving cyber threats.

By harmonizing the enforcement of security policies, UAC significantly streamlines the management of network security. This consolidation reduces the operational burdens associated with managing multiple security solutions, allowing for more efficient allocation of resources and improved security oversight. The centralization of access controls under UAC also enhances the organization’s ability to enforce compliance with regulatory standards, an aspect of paramount importance in an era of stringent data protection laws.

Furthermore, UAC’s comprehensive approach to security management empowers organizations to implement a more proactive defense strategy. By facilitating a deeper insight into network activities and access patterns, UAC enables security teams to identify potential vulnerabilities and address them before they can be exploited. This proactive stance is essential for staying ahead of cyber threats and ensuring the integrity of the organization’s digital assets.

The Role of Network Access Control in UAC

Network Access Control (NAC) stands as a critical pillar within the Unified Access Control ecosystem, orchestrating the intricate dance of device and user permissions across a network. In its essence, NAC enforces a rigorous vetting process for devices seeking network entry, evaluating their compliance with the organization’s security policies. This evaluation encompasses a comprehensive checklist including, but not limited to, the verification of updated antivirus programs, the presence of necessary security patches, and adherence to established security configurations.

NAC’s strategic function extends beyond mere gatekeeping, delving into the architectural design of the network itself by facilitating effective segmentation. This segmentation, critical for the containment of potential security incidents, ensures that access to sensitive compartments of the network is meticulously regulated. By implementing stringent access protocols, NAC significantly mitigates the risk associated with lateral movements—an attacker’s method of choice for navigating through a network post-initial breach.

Central to NAC’s effectiveness is its dynamic adaptability to an organization’s evolving security landscape. As devices attempt network access, NAC dynamically assesses their security posture in real-time, adjusting access permissions based on the current threat environment and the specific security policies in place. This dynamic approach is paramount in an era where device and user behaviors are increasingly complex and unpredictable.

Moreover, the role of NAC in UAC is instrumental in enforcing the principle of least privilege, a cornerstone of modern cybersecurity strategies. By ensuring that users and devices have access only to the resources essential for their specific roles and functions, NAC minimizes the potential attack surface within the network, thereby enhancing the overall security posture.

Through its comprehensive approach to evaluating device compliance, enforcing network segmentation, and adapting to the evolving security needs of the organization, NAC plays an indispensable role in the holistic security strategy afforded by Unified Access Control.


Looking for a NAC solution for your organization? Portnox’s cloud-native NAC solution delivers passwordless authentication, endpoint risk monitoring, and 24/7 compliance enforcement.

Segmenting Your Network for Enhanced Security

Effective network segmentation under Unified Access Control (UAC) is not just about dividing a network into separate pieces; it’s about crafting a strategic, security-first architecture that intelligently controls who and what can access different zones of your network. It necessitates a deep dive into the organization’s data flow and access needs, leveraging insights to establish micro-perimeters around sensitive information and critical systems. This method ensures that, should a breach occur, its spread and impact are significantly contained, safeguarding vital assets and maintaining business continuity.

To embark on this segmentation journey, it’s imperative to conduct a detailed analysis of the network, pinpointing critical data and systems, understanding their interaction points, and identifying the users and devices that require access. This analytical phase lays the groundwork for developing nuanced access policies that govern the movement within and between network segments. These policies are designed to enforce the principle of least privilege, restricting access rights for users and devices to the bare minimum necessary for their roles.

Implementing these segmented zones involves configuring access control lists (ACLs), virtual LANs (VLANs), and firewall rules that act as gatekeepers, monitoring and controlling entry and exit points to these zones. Each segment acts as a fortified enclave, designed to limit potential attack vectors and reduce the overall attack surface of the network.

Moreover, the dynamic nature of modern networks requires that segmentation strategies be regularly reviewed and updated in response to evolving business needs and emerging threats. This continuous optimization ensures that the segmentation remains effective, relevant, and aligned with the overarching goals of Unified Access Control. By meticulously segmenting the network, organizations can create a resilient infrastructure that not only defends against today’s cyber threats but is also primed to adapt to the security challenges of tomorrow.

The Process: Implementing Unified Access Control

The journey toward deploying Unified Access Control within an organization requires a strategic, step-by-step approach that begins with an in-depth evaluation of the existing network environment and security measures. Unpatched vulnerabilities were involved in 60% of data breaches. This initial analysis is critical for identifying valuable assets, pinpointing vulnerabilities, and understanding the current state of access controls. Insights gained from this phase are invaluable, serving as the cornerstone upon which the UAC framework is built.

Following this, the development of comprehensive security policies is paramount. These policies must be carefully crafted to resonate with the unique objectives and regulatory demands facing the organization. They are instrumental in guiding the setup and fine-tuning of the UAC system, dictating the specifics of access granting mechanisms as well as the required levels of authentication and authorization. This meticulous planning phase ensures that the UAC system’s foundation is both robust and aligned with the overarching security strategy.

The actual deployment of UAC solutions commences with a targeted approach, prioritizing areas of the network that are deemed most critical. This phased deployment allows for the gradual extension of UAC coverage, ensuring that each step is manageable and that the system’s effectiveness can be continuously assessed. It is during this stage that the flexibility of the UAC framework truly shines, allowing for real-time adjustments based on the feedback and the evolving security landscape.

Key to the successful implementation of UAC is the commitment to ongoing monitoring and testing. This iterative process is essential for uncovering any potential security shortcomings and for refining the system to counter new threats. By adopting a proactive stance, organizations can ensure that their UAC system remains not only effective but also ahead of potential cyber threats, safeguarding their digital assets in an ever-evolving cyber environment.

The Future of Unified Access Control

Looking ahead, Unified Access Control is poised for significant advancements that promise to redefine its role in cybersecurity. Anticipated developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are expected to introduce a new level of sophistication to UAC systems. These technologies hold the potential to transform UAC into a more intuitive and anticipatory security mechanism, capable of analyzing patterns, predicting potential security breaches, and automatically adjusting access controls to mitigate risks before they materialize. This predictive capability will mark a monumental shift towards a more proactive cybersecurity posture.

The expansion of cloud computing and the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices are set to broaden the horizons for UAC, necessitating innovative approaches to access control policy formulation and enforcement. As these technologies continue to evolve, UAC systems will need to adapt, ensuring that they provide seamless security coverage across an increasingly diverse and decentralized digital landscape. This evolution will involve crafting dynamic policies that can effectively respond to the unique challenges presented by cloud environments and IoT infrastructures, where traditional perimeter-based security models are no longer sufficient.

Moreover, the integration of UAC with blockchain technology could offer an additional layer of security, leveraging decentralized verification processes to enhance identity management and access control. This could further fortify UAC systems against cyber threats, providing a more transparent and tamper-resistant framework for managing digital identities and permissions.

As we move forward, the imperative for UAC systems to not only adapt to but also anticipate the shifting dynamics of cybersecurity is clear. The journey ahead will be marked by continuous innovation, as these systems evolve to meet the demands of a digital ecosystem that is becoming increasingly complex and interconnected. Embracing these advancements will be crucial for organizations aiming to stay one step ahead in the cybersecurity arena, ensuring the protection of their digital assets in the face of evolving threats.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About Portnox
Portnox provides simple-to-deploy, operate and maintain network access control, security and visibility solutions. Portnox software can be deployed on-premises, as a cloud-delivered service, or in hybrid mode. It is agentless and vendor-agnostic, allowing organizations to maximize their existing network and cybersecurity investments. Hundreds of enterprises around the world rely on Portnox for network visibility, cybersecurity policy enforcement and regulatory compliance. The company has been recognized for its innovations by Info Security Products Guide, Cyber Security Excellence Awards, IoT Innovator Awards, Computing Security Awards, Best of Interop ITX and Cyber Defense Magazine. Portnox has offices in the U.S., Europe and Asia. For information visit, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.。

Preserving Patient Trust: Exploring the Menace of Human Factor and Phishing in Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals

Nowadays the healthcare and pharma industry finds itself at the forefront of a battle against cyber threats. Hospitals, healthcare centers, insurance companies, research institutions, and pharmaceutical companies worldwide have fallen victim to cyberattacks.

The situation remains quite serious: at the beginning of this year, the LockBit ransomware operation claimed responsibility for a November 2023 cyberattack on Capital Health, a healthcare service provider in New Jersey and parts of Pennsylvania, US. The hackers not only infiltrated the hospital network but also threatened to leak sensitive medical data and negotiation chats.

Although the nature of this very cyberattack remains undisclosed, statistics show that over 50% of ransomware and malware attacks start with phishing. Verizon’s 2023 Data Breach Investigations Repor adds another layer to the narrative, saying that “74% of all breaches include the human element, with people being involved either via error, privilege misuse, use of stolen credentials or social engineering”. The case of Capital Health provides an opportunity to talk about the level of staff preparedness for such social engineering attacks as phishing in a highly vulnerable sector such as healthcare & pharmaceuticals.

The High Stakes of Phishing Attacks in Healthcare

Phishing attacks pose an exceptional threat to healthcare organizations due to the value of patient data they store.

Protected health information (PHI)
has become a highly attractive commodity in the black market, for cybercriminals, bringing a staggering $1,000 for every patient record stolen on the dark web. That is a lot more than the cost of credit card numbers ($5 each), hacked Instagram accounts ($7), and even social security numbers ($1).


In addition to financial gain, cybercriminals with experience in drug trafficking and money laundering eagerly purchase medical records from malicious websites. These records enable them to obtain prescription medications, file false medical claims, or engage in identity theft by opening credit cards and taking out fraudulent loans. Unlike accounts and credit cards that can be quickly canceled, medical records provide a rich resource of valuable and permanent data points.

Although many cybercriminal groups have recently been talking about ethics when it comes to targeting highly vulnerable organizations such as hospitals, they are not going to leave the sector alone, even if the consequences of their attacks could be disastrous for health systems and the well-being of patients, who rely on the healthcare system.

Alarming Phishing Statistics in the Sector: A Wake-Up Call

Despite the fact that healthcare providers and pharmaceutical organizations are that vulnerable to cyberattacks, the Phish-Prone Percentage (PPP) for the sector, as revealed in the Phishing by Industry Benchmarking Report for 2022 and 2023, is concerning. Let’s take a detailed look and first glance at the data.

In 2022 across small organizations (1-249 employees) the healthcare & pharmaceuticals industry ranked 2nd at risk with a PPP of 32.5%. Among mid-sized organizations (250-999 employees), with a PPP of 36.6%, the healthcare & pharmaceuticals is in the 2nd position as well.

In 2023
among small organizations, the healthcare & pharmaceuticals sector (though slightly better than in 2022) claimed the top spot with a PPP of 32.3%. As regards mid-sized organizations, healthcare & pharma moved to the 1st position with a PPP of 35.8%.


These figures highlight the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry’s vulnerability, ranking highest at risk for both small- and medium-sized organizations.

Addressing the Human Factor: Cybersecurity Training is Key

The results of initial baseline phishing security tests held by KnowBe4 emphasize the likelihood of users falling victim to phishing scams without proper cybersecurity awareness. Every organization, regardless of size and vertical, is susceptible to both phishing attempts and social engineering without training and frequent reinforcement. The workforce, in every industry, represents a potential doorway to attackers, irrespective of investments in top-notch security technology.

Apart from utilizing high-quality hardware, regularly updating software, using multi-factor authentication whenever possible, and initiating backups cooperating with trusted vendors, healthcare and pharmaceutical organizations must prioritize staff education to prevent catastrophic damages resulting from a single employee clicking on a malicious link promising them free tickets to a Taylor Swift show. Assessing existing levels of awareness through surveys and planning training opportunities for staff at all levels is paramount. Frontline employees must receive additional information about potential security issues and prevention methods as the security landscape evolves.

Several pieces of research also indicate that messages regarding data breaches, risk management, and cybersecurity values are more thoroughly followed when they come from top management. Establishing direct communication between management and employees regarding security issues fosters a culture of cybersecurity within the organization.

Technical Means: Web Filtering as a Shield

While various technical means exist, finding a high-quality solution that minimizes the probability of human error is critical.

An employee may be well aware that
there is no such thing as a free lunch or a free ticket to the VIP area at their idol’s concert.
However, it is impossible to take into account all factors, such as a person’s emotional state at a particular period of time, which may contribute to them taking a rash step, etc. Therefore, having a tool that prevents employees from making mistakes, even if they click on malicious links, is crucial. In this context,
web filtering emerges as a powerful solution.


With SafeDNS web filtering, malicious links, even the most newly generated ones, will not harm the organization. This additional layer of network protection is able to shield healthcare providers and pharmaceutical organizations from the potentially disastrous consequences of human error.

The rising tide of cyber threats against healthcare organizations demands immediate and comprehensive action. Beyond the implementation of technical solutions, cybersecurity education and awareness must take center stage. Protecting patient data and ensuring the resilience of healthcare systems require a multi-faceted approach, including continuous training of healthcare staff, communication from top management, and even practices leveraging advanced up-to-date technologies like web filtering.

Today when the stakes are higher than ever, the healthcare sector must be well-equipped with all the available tools and strategies against cyber threats. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Let’s prioritize cybersecurity to both protect patients and safeguard the backbone of our communities – the healthcare system.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About SafeDNS
SafeDNS breathes to make the internet safer for people all over the world with solutions ranging from AI & ML-powered web filtering, cybersecurity to threat intelligence. Moreover, we strive to create the next generation of safer and more affordable web filtering products. Endlessly working to improve our users’ online protection, SafeDNS has also launched an innovative system powered by continuous machine learning and user behavior analytics to detect botnets and malicious websites.

Actiphy Inc. Unveils the Latest Version of ActiveImage Protector’s System and Data Protection Solution, a Proven Countermeasure that Safeguards Backup Files from Ransomware

Tokyo, Japan, Sep 7, 2023 – Actiphy Inc., a prominent provider of backup, disaster recovery, and virtualization software, proudly announces the release of their updated version of “ActiveImage Protector 2022”. This latest release introduces innovative features that substantially reduce backup times while improving backup data security.


Companies today are constantly threatened by the looming menace of ransomware attacks. This pervasive threat compels them to divert resources to bolster security measures and instills a sense of apprehension and uncertainty. In an actual attack, the consequences are much more severe and include data loss, financial damages, and disrupted business operations. 

Implementing efficient disaster recovery and protective countermeasures is paramount, and with a strategic backup strategy (that includes StorageServer), another layer of security is added that protects the backup image files from being compromised by a ransomware attack.

This updated version with the StorageServer option is available in both Windows and Linux.

What’s New in ActiveImage Protector 2022 Update
StorageServer Option

“Actiphy StorageServer” , a newly developed product in the ActiveImage Protector Solution Suite, has adopted an advanced protocol that not only secures data transfer but also safeguards that data in storage.
Additionally, Actiphy’s StorageServer has been engineered to take advantage of cache devices to increase performance during data transfer thereby substantially reducing backup time.
StorageServer in effect, achieves increased data security and provides faster data transfers than the traditional Windows-shared folders or NAS based storage.

– New Tracking Driver with no Reboot Required

Our newly developed tracking driver eliminates the need for a reboot after installation or upgrading, enabling users to install or upgrade ActiveImage Protector with no service interruptions.


Use QuickRecovery, a pre-prepared recovery environment to undo recent changes that have caused system instability due to a software or OS update. Select a specific restore point from the backup that was created prior to the current state of the system for an immediate recovery.

Recovery Media Maker

Create bootable recovery media with the backup source machine’s image embedded for an ideal disaster recovery (DR) solution should the backup destination become inaccessible. This feature accommodates various media, including DVD/Blu-ray, USB HDD, and USB Memory. One button click from the booted media will initiate recovery from the embedded image file.

Support for VMware First Class Disk (FCD)

Direct backup and recovery of VMware’s FCD formatted disks.

ActiveImage Protector 2022 is a backup and recovery solution that protects physical and virtual Windows and Linux environments. ActiveImage Protector includes all the tools necessary for enterprise-level deployment and management of backup, recovery, virtualization, standby switch-over, and migration.

All other brands and product names mentioned in this news release are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.For more information about ActiveImage Protector.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About Actiphy
Actiphy founded in 2007, focuses on developing and offering innovative backup and disaster recovery solutions for complete protection of all your systems and data. ActiveImage Protector backs up Windows, Linux machines on physical and virtual environments and restore systems and data fast for you to be up and running with minimal downtime and data loss. Today Actiphy hold 20% of the image backup market in Japan and are expanding our services in the Asia/Pacific and North American regions, as well as in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Gas transport company switches from Citrix resulting in an 80% reduction of their infrastructure footprint

“Awingu just worked and that’s what we needed. A simple, straightforward application that accelerated our ability to achieve our goals.”
David De Roock
IT Director, Exmar NV

🔶 CHALLENGE: Provide employees and external contractors seamless access to business assets quickly and efficiently without continuously needing to maintain the environment. 

❓ TEST: Will Awingu be easier to maintain while offering a stable user experience? 

⭕ SOLUTION: Awingu enabled the bulk of Exmar NV’s workloads to shift from twenty-five to five remote desktop machines by assigning more resources to them than their Citrix solution could handle. 

✅ RESULT: Moving away from Citrix was critical to realizing significant cost savings and improved user experience for both IT teams and end users.


Exmar NV is an energy supply chain provider with 2500 employees offering tailor-made energy solutions to the gas industry. The mission is to serve their customers with innovations in the fields of offshore extraction, transformation, production, storage, and transportation by sea of liquefied natural gases, petrochemical gases, and liquid hydrocarbons. 

Prior to 2019, Exmar was utilizing the Citrix solution in tandem with VPN for their employees to access business files and applications. This was a sufficient solution for the most part, but it was complex and costly. Also, accessing large files was problematic. The load was heavy and extra traffic added an additional challenge, especially when traveling end users went to remote locations in Asia, Africa, or vessels out to sea. 

THE CHALLENGE: Provide employees and external contractors seamless access to corporate files quickly and efficiently without the need to constantly maintain the environment. 

Exmar was looking for: 

  • Simple workspace management 
  • Seamless implementation 
  • Uninterrupted access to business files and applications 

The arrival of COVID in 2019/2020 resulted in a shrinking IT team at Exmar. This made maintaining the elaborate Citrix environment increasingly difficult. After a 2.5 year struggle, David De Roock, IT Director with Exmar, went back to the drawing board for alternate solutions.

“Citrix was too complex with a lot of virtual servers, layering storage issues etc. I lost count how many times team members would mention in meetings that ‘Citrix isn’t working again’. This was disruptive to our day-to-day business and we couldn’t continue this way”, David De Roock (IT Director, Exmar NV) says.

THE TEST: Will Awingu be easier to maintain while offering a seamless user experience?

David was impressed that within 2 days of his conversation with Awingu, the pilot was off the ground. 

The following week, David’s team conducted extensive testing with both external and internal users. 

Positive user feedback included:  

  • The testing process was easy and straight forward.
  • Accessing resources through a web browser—without the need to install anything—was an immense benefit.
  • Speed was impressive; the startup time of applications was drastically reduced since no plugins were required. 
  • The support efforts needed from their desktop team were reduced since a modern HTML 5 browser is the only requirement.
  • A much better user experience – the server didn’t crash and browser updates didn’t interfere with plugins.
  • Users can use any device so laptop distribution was eliminated.


“The overall sentiment of those involved in the pilot was that Awingu was simple. The time previously used to maintain the Citrix environment shifted to focus on how we can improve our processes and environment to positively affect our customers’ bottom line”, David mentions.

This was enough for David to decide to make the move from Citrix to Awingu.

THE SOLUTION: Awingu enabled Exmar to shift the bulk of their load to five remote desktop machines, assigning them more resources than the Citrix solution could handle.

David was pleased to see that the number of virtual machines reduced drastically from twenty-five to five.  

Plus, the need for Exmar-provided laptops was eliminated for external agencies. Not only was this advantageous for their budget but it also enhanced security as there is always elevated risk when you have laptops traveling to every corner of the globe. 

The simplicity of Awingu is what made the biggest impact. The learning curve was minimal, and it only took two weeks to decide that a full roll out was the best choice for their business. 

The personal attention of Awingu’s Support team was another deciding factor. A couple of minor issues popped up over the weekend and the Awingu Support team was available and willing to help. By Monday, issues were solved, and it was business as usual without any interruption for the end user. 

David explained that “Awingu is very straightforward and easy to roll out. This was the driver to make the move from Citrix to Awingu. 

THE RESULT: Moving away from Citrix was critical for Exmar to realize significant cost savings and ease of use for both IT teams and end users.

Moving to Awingu was the solution Exmar needed to strengthen their budget and reassign resources where they were needed. 

In summary, the main benefits they experienced were: 

  1. Reduction of infrastructure footprint: What once required twenty-five virtual machines now only requires five. A reduction of 80%.
  2. Zero complexity: The learning curve was minimal thanks to the easy-to-use and secure unified workspace. Their pilot was rolled out in two days. Full deployment and testing with 100 users spanned an additional 2 weeks.
  3. Cost savings: Licensing costs were reduced by 66% annually.


“The overall picture? The Awingu experience is a lot better, simpler, and easier to maintain. We haven’t looked back and an expansion of the solution is in the works”, David concludes.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About Parallels 
Parallels® is a global leader in cross-platform solutions, enabling businesses and individuals to access and use the applications and files they need on any device or operating system. Parallels helps customers leverage the best technology available, whether it’s Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android or the cloud.



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