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Wi-Fi Logins with a Twist: Captive Portals and DNS Filtering

Ever connected to a public Wi-Fi network at a coffee shop or airport, only to be greeted by a login page instead of the internet? That’s a captive portal in action. It’s like a gatekeeper, ensuring you meet certain requirements before granting access.

Benefits for Businesses:

  • Security First: Captive portals keep unauthorized users out, protecting business networks from malware and hacking attempts. They can also enforce security terms to limit liability.
  • Marketing on Autopilot: The captive portal is a captive audience! Businesses can use it to display targeted ads,special offers, or showcase their brand.
  • Customer Engagement: Interactive portals with surveys, polls, or social media logins can gather valuable customer feedback and boost engagement.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Businesses can collect email addresses or social media logins to build email lists and gain customer insights for better marketing.
  • Premium Wi-Fi: Businesses offering high-speed or premium connections can leverage captive portals for paid Wi-Fi access.

While captive portals are great at managing network access and leveraging that access for business benefits, they do not protect users from accessing harmful websites or inappropriate content after they have connected to the network. This is where DNS filtering steps in as a critical ally. 
It works as a second line of defense, blocking access to non-compliant and harmful websites right from the get-go. DNS filtering can block malicious sites even before you log in, keeping your device protected. Additionally, some portals can integrate with DNS filtering, allowing access to specific DNS servers only after successful login. This helps enforce company policies and security guidelines.

Combined, these technologies make it possible for businesses to provide a safe, controlled, and productive online experience. This is why DNS filtering becomes an invaluable partner for captive portals to make the environment not only accessible but also secure.

Potential Bumps in the Road:

Here’s the catch: strong DNS filtering on users device might block the captive portal’s redirection, preventing the login page from showing up. This can be frustrating!

  • Roaming Client Blues: This often happens with software installed on devices (roaming clients) for DNS filtering. If users run into this, they should contact their company’s IT team to add the captive portal to an “allow list”.
  • Local vs. Network DNS: By default, roaming clients might prioritize their own DNS servers over the network’s.This can cause issues with captive portals that require the network’s specific DNS server for redirection.

Finding the Right Balance:

While combining DNS filtering and captive portals offers great benefits, it’s important to consider user experience, technical challenges, and privacy concerns. Striking a balance between security and usability is key. Additionally,organizations need to stay updated on evolving threats and regularly adjust their filtering policies.

The Final Word:

Captive portals and DNS filtering, when used together, create a powerful shield against online threats and unwanted content. This combo allows organizations to create secure and controlled network environments while empowering users to access resources safely. As security threats become more prevalent, this integration is a cornerstone of modern network security strategies.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About SafeDNS
SafeDNS breathes to make the internet safer for people all over the world with solutions ranging from AI & ML-powered web filtering, cybersecurity to threat intelligence. Moreover, we strive to create the next generation of safer and more affordable web filtering products. Endlessly working to improve our users’ online protection, SafeDNS has also launched an innovative system powered by continuous machine learning and user behavior analytics to detect botnets and malicious websites.

Leveraging virtual machines for efficient and effective software testing

As we all know, software testing is vital in the software development lifecycle. It ensures that the software meets the requirements and is bug-free, and it allows developers to optimize performance and validate the functionality of their projects. 

However, testing can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, especially when testing software components on different operating systems and configurations. These use cases are where using virtual machines (VMs) to test software comes to the rescue.

A VM is a software-based emulation of a physical computer that allows multiple operating systems to run on a single physical computer.

VMs are indispensable tools for software testing, offering flexibility, scalability, and reproducibility in testing environments.

Virtual machines also make it easier to test different configurations without affecting the host operating system.

This guide will explore how to leverage virtual machines for efficient and effective software testing.

Understanding the benefits of virtual machines for software testing:

Virtual machines have become an indispensable tool for software testing. They provide a range of benefits, including isolation, reproducibility, scalability, and flexibility.

1. Isolation

VMs provide isolated environments for testing, allowing testers to create and test different software components and dependencies without any conflicts. This isolation is particularly important for complex software systems, where conflict between components can have severe consequences.

2. Reproducibility

VM snapshots allow testers to create and revert to specific states of the testing environment. This ease of replication ensures that test results are consistent and reproducible, which is essential for evaluating software quality.

3. Scalability

A critical aspect of software testing is the ability to easily clone and deploy testing environments to enable parallel testing of multiple software configurations. This scalability helps improve testing efficiency and reduce the time and resources required for testing. It’s especially useful for large-scale projects.

4. Flexibility

VMs like Parallels Desktop support multiple operating systems and configurations, allowing testers to simulate diverse environments and scenarios and ensure that you are testing software under a range of conditions. This flexibility is particularly important for identifying and addressing potential issues across different environments.

Creating reproducible testing environments

One of the significant challenges of software testing is creating a reproducible testing environment. A testing environment should be identical to the production environment, ensuring the software behaves in a similar fashion. VMs provide an easy way to create and manage reproducible testing environments.

To create reproducible testing environments using virtual machines, follow these steps:

1. Choose a hypervisor

To host your virtual machines, select a hypervisor such as Parallels Desktop.

2. Develop base images

Develop base images containing the desired operating system, configuration, and software dependencies as in the production environment.

3. Customize VM settings

You can customize VM settings such as CPU, memory, disk space, and network configuration to match testing requirements.

4. Install testing tools

Install testing frameworks, debuggers, and other tools necessary for VM tests.

5. Take snapshots

Take snapshots of the VM at various stages of the testing process to capture specific states for later reference or rollback.

Following these steps, you can install the software you want to test on the VM in a controlled environment. If the software behaves differently in the testing environment, you can identify and fix the issue before deploying it to the production environment.

Example: You’re testing a web application requiring specific web server versions, databases, and middleware. You can create a base VM image with the required software stack installed and configured. By taking snapshots before and after each iteration, you can quickly revert to a clean state and ensure consistent testing conditions.

Utilizing snapshots for testing scenarios

Another advantage of using VMs for software testing is the ability to take snapshots of the VM at different stages of testing.

Snapshots are invaluable for testing scenarios where you must revert to a known state, compare different test outcomes, test different configurations, or perform multiple iterations of the same test.

Here’s how to effectively utilize snapshots for software testing:

1. Before-test snapshots

Before running tests, take snapshots of the VM to capture the initial state of the testing environment. This snapshot lets you easily revert to a clean state if tests fail or produce unexpected results.

2. After-test snapshots

Take snapshots after completing tests to preserve the state of the environment and any changes made during testing. These post-test snapshots provide a reference point for analyzing test results and debugging issues.

3. Branching snapshots

Create branching snapshots to explore alternative test scenarios or configurations without affecting the primary testing environment. This step allows testers to experiment with different configurations or test cases while maintaining the integrity of the base environment.

4. Snapshot management

Maintain a structured approach to snapshot management, including naming conventions, documentation of snapshot purposes, and regular cleanup to avoid cluttering the VM environment with unnecessary snapshots.

Example: You’re testing a software update. Before applying the update, you can take a snapshot of the VM to capture the pre-update state.

If something goes wrong during the update, you can quickly revert to the pre-update snapshot and investigate the issue.

After you’ve applied the update and run your tests, you can take another snapshot to preserve the post-update state. This snapshot will help you identify any changes that occurred after the update and determine the root cause of any issues that may have arisen.

Taking snapshots is a great way to ensure you can quickly troubleshoot and investigate any issues that may arise during software testing. They also save you time and resources, as you don’t have to recreate the entire testing environment each time you want to run a test.

Optimizing VM configurations for testing different software components

When testing software, you may need to test different components on different operating systems and configurations. VMs allow you to create and manage different configurations to test software components expediently. You can create a VM for each configuration, install the required software, and test the software in an isolated environment.

To optimize VM configurations for testing different software components, you can allocate resources such as CPU, memory, and disk space based on the software’s requirements while testing against different real-world conditions with the network, such as slow clients, a drop in the internet connection, etc.

For example, if you are testing a memory-intensive application, you can allocate more memory to the VM. If you are testing a CPU-intensive application, you can allocate more CPU resources to the VM.

Consider the following factors when optimizing VM configurations for testing different software components:

1. Resource allocation

Allocate sufficient CPU, memory, and disk space to each VM to ensure optimal performance during testing. Adjust resource allocations based on the requirements of the software you’re testing and the complexity of test scenarios.

2. Networking setup

Configure virtual networks that simulate various network conditions, such as latency, packet loss, and bandwidth constraints. This setup allows testers to evaluate software’s performance and resilience under different network conditions.

3. Integration with testing tools

Integrate VMs with testing tools and automation frameworks to streamline the testing process. These integrations include configuring VMs to interact with testing scripts, reporting tools, and version control systems for efficient test execution and result analysis.

4. Environment configuration management

Implement version control and configuration management practices to track changes to VM configurations and ensure consistency across testing environments. This capability helps avoid discrepancies between testing environments and promotes reproducibility of test results.

Example: You’re testing a distributed system that spans multiple VMs. You can optimize VM configurations by allocating more resources to VMs hosting critical components and simulating network conditions to replicate real-world scenarios.

Integrating VMs with testing tools like Jenkins or Selenium allows you to automate test execution and streamline the testing workflow.

Examples of leveraging virtual machines for software testing

Let’s look at examples of using virtual machines for software testing.

Example 1: Testing web applications

Testing web applications often requires checking compatibility across various configurations and browsers. Here’s how virtual machines can facilitate this process:

Scenario: You’re developing a web application that needs to be compatible with different browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, as well as various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

1. Create VMs for each configuration

Using a hypervisor like Parallels Desktop, create separate VMs for each browser and operating system combination you need to test. For example, you might create VMs for Chrome on Windows, Firefox on macOS, and Safari on Linux.

2. Install the required browsers

Install the specific browser version you want to test within each VM. Ensure that you use the browser version your target users will likely use.

3. Isolate testing environments

You create isolated testing environments by running each browser in its own VM. This isolation prevents conflicts between browser settings, extensions, or plugins that could affect the test results.

4. Take snapshots for testing

Take snapshots of each VM to capture its initial state prior to running tests. As you perform tests, take additional snapshots at critical stages to facilitate rollback if needed.

5. Conduct testing

Run your tests on each VM, performing tasks such as navigating the website, filling out forms, and testing JavaScript functionality. Testing frameworks like Selenium can automate or manually perform tests to ensure compatibility.

6. Analyze results and debug

After testing, analyze the results to identify any issues or inconsistencies across different browsers or operating systems. If problems arise, use your snapshots to revert VMs to a known good state for further investigation and debugging.

7. Report and iterate

Document any issues found during testing and report them to the development team for resolution. Iterate on the testing process as needed, adjusting VM configurations or testing methodologies to improve coverage and reliability.

Example 2: Testing cross-platform applications

Testing mobile applications requires validation across various devices, platforms, and screen sizes. Here’s how virtual machines can facilitate mobile app testing:

Scenario: Imagine you’re developing an application that needs to run smoothly on iOS and Android devices with different screen resolutions and device models.

1. Create VMs for each device/OS combination

Using tools like Android Emulator for Android or Xcode Simulator for iOS, create separate VMs for each device and operating system combination you need to test. For example, you might create VMs for iPhone X running iOS 14 and Google Pixel 4 running Android 11.

It would look something like this:

Create VMs for each OS Combination: Using the development tools for each of the operating systems, create separate VMs to allow running the applications and debugging them.

2. Install the required software

Install the necessary software components, such as the mobile operating system, development tools, and the cross-platform app, within each VM. Ensure that you use the same app version that end users will get.

3. Simulate device environment

You simulate real-world device environments by running each device in its own VM. This simulation allows you to test the app’s behavior on different screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware configurations.

4. Take snapshots for testing

Before running tests, take snapshots of each VM to capture its initial state. As you perform tests, take additional snapshots at critical stages to facilitate rollback if needed.

5. Conduct testing

Perform a variety of tests on each VM, including functional, usability, and performance testing. Use emulators to simulate user interactions such as tapping, swiping, and rotating the device.

6. Analyze results and debug

Analyze the test results to identify any issues or inconsistencies across different devices or operating systems. If problems arise, use the snapshots to revert VMs to a known good state for further investigation and debugging.

7. Report and iterate

Document any issues found during testing and report them to the development team for resolution. Iterate on the testing process as needed, adjusting VM configurations or testing methodologies to improve coverage and reliability.

Example 3: Testing database applications

Testing database applications involves validating data integrity, performance, and scalability across different database systems and configurations. Here’s how virtual machines can support this type of testing:

Scenario: Consider you’re developing a database application that needs to support multiple database management systems (DBMS), such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server, across different operating systems.

1. Create VMs for each DBMS

Using a hypervisor, create separate VMs for each DBMS and operating system combination you need to test. For example, you might create VMs for MySQL on Ubuntu, PostgreSQL on CentOS, and SQL Server on Windows Server.

2. Install the required database software

Within each VM, install the specific DBMS version you want to test and any additional tools or utilities required. Ensure you use the same database version and configurations as your production environment.

3. Configure test datasets

Populate each database with test data representing various use cases and scenarios. This example data allows you to evaluate data manipulation, querying performance, and transactional integrity.

4. Take snapshots for testing

Take snapshots of each VM to capture the initial state before running tests. As you perform tests, take additional snapshots at critical stages to facilitate rollback if needed.

5. Conduct testing

Perform a range of tests on each VM, including functional testing, performance testing, and scalability testing. Execute SQL queries, analyze query execution plans, and monitor database performance metrics.

6. Analyze results and debug

Analyze the test results to identify issues or performance bottlenecks across different DBMS or configurations. If problems arise, use the snapshots to revert VMs to a known good state for further investigation and debugging.

7. Report and iterate

Document any issues found during testing and report them to the development team for resolution. Iterate on the testing process as needed, adjusting VM configurations or testing methodologies to improve coverage and reliability.

See how testing on virtual machines can improve your organization’s processes

In conclusion, virtual machines provide a reproducible and isolated environment for testing software, making it easier to test different configurations without affecting the host operating system.

By following best practices such as creating reproducible testing environments, utilizing snapshots for testing scenarios, and optimizing VM configurations, organizations can streamline their testing processes, improve test coverage, and continuously improve software quality and reliability.

Ready to start testing? Sign up for a free 14-day trial of Parallels Desktop to see how it can help improve your testing workflow.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About Parallels 
Parallels® is a global leader in cross-platform solutions, enabling businesses and individuals to access and use the applications and files they need on any device or operating system. Parallels helps customers leverage the best technology available, whether it’s Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android or the cloud.

How we implemented traffic routing in Meshnet for increased security

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How a classical VPN server works

First, we should understand how a classical VPN server operates. Meshnet uses the NordLynx protocol, which is based on WireGuard® – a simple, fast VPN that uses state-of-the-art cryptography. For this article, we’ll refer to WireGuard (wg) in our examples and graphics.

A standard configuration would look like this:

A standard VPN configuration.

To arrive at this setup, a couple of things need to happen.

First, let’s establish a secure tunnel (purple dotted connection):

  1. Virtual network interfaces, labeled as wgC and wgS, (which work like tun adapters) are created on both client and server sides.

  2. The client uses a UDP socket to establish a cryptographic session with the server’s address at (in the diagram above, subnet stands for wide area network).

  3. Private IP addresses (, are assigned to the client and server respectively.

At this point, the client can ping the server using the IP address, and the server can ping the client at All IP packets sent through the wgX interface are encrypted and sent via the global internet. The real path of the packet is something like this: wgC –(encapsulate)–> lanC –> lanR –> netR –> netS –(decapsulate)–> wgS

But to the OS, the wgX interface is just another network connection to where IP traffic can be routed, similar to a LAN router.

To the OS, a virtual interface is just like any other network connection.

Now if the client wants to conceal its real IP address, it can configure the routing table to direct all default traffic through the wgA interface (some precautions are needed to avoid routing the encrypted traffic itself, but that’s out of the scope of this article).

Meanwhile, the VPN server needs to be configured to function like a router, accepting incoming packets and forwarding them to their next destination. For this, two features are required:

IP forwarding

In most network stack implementations, if a packet arrives on a network interface, it can only be sent out on the same interface. So when the server receives a packet from the wgS interface that’s directed to an IP address outside the network’s subnet, it is dropped.

Enabling IP forwarding changes this behavior. Now, when a packet arrives at a network interface, it is checked against the network’s entire routing table. If another network interface provides a better match, the packet is forwarded to that interface.

Packet path on the server would look like this:  … -> wgS –(ip_fowarding)–> netS -> …


IP packets arriving at the VPN server will have a private IP address like, assigned to the wgC interface. In most cases, these packets will be directed to a publicly routable IP address. After the packet gets forwarded to the netC interface, it still can’t be sent out, because its source address falls within the private network range. The router uplink only deals with public IP addresses and wouldn’t know which device is sending the packet.

As such, NAT (network address translation) is used. For every packet that has a unique source IP, port, and in some cases destination, a unique mapping is created in the NATing table.

For example, if a TCP packet comes from, it would be mapped to a address (here AAAA is the port used by software on the client device, and BBBB is a randomly assigned unused port on the server).

The TCP’s packet’s source IP and port would then be exchanged for NAT mapped values, checksum adjusted, and finally sent out on its merry way to the wider internet.

If another computer responds to this BBBB port, the NATing table is consulted and destination IP and port values revert to the original values before the packet is sent to the wgC interface.

And that’s all for a very rudimentary setup!

Supportable platforms

The main challenge with these two requirements is that they limit the number of devices that can function as routers (apart from implementing a user space transport layer multiplexing/demultiplexing logic).

Typically, if we want to set up IP forwarding and NAT, we need root/administrator permissions. Most platforms with strong sandboxing like macOS App Store, iOS, and Android do not provide official APIs to enable this.

That leaves 3 “platforms” we do support:


Linux is the easiest one of the bunch because it has everything we need already built in, and our NordVPN service, running as root, can set everything up.

macOS Sideload

Unlike the App Store version (which I count as a separate platform), with macOS Sideload applications it’s possible to create launchd services that run with root permissions. This unlocks features that Darwin (the core Unix operating system of macOS) inherits from BSD like ip_forwarding and pf (packet filter), which are used to set up NATing and filtering.


Setting up IP forwarding is as trivial as a registry modification. However, even if Windows has an official NAT, we found it difficult to use during testing. It does not properly work with Windows Home editions. Being primarily designed for use with Hyper-V, a lot of undefined behaviors crop up when working with our custom adapter drivers. To work around this, we built and shipped our own implementation for NAT.

How Meshnet traffic routing works

Now that we know how a regular VPN server looks and works, we can compare it to how it operates in Meshnet:

Diagram of Meshnet-enabled VPN configuration.

A Meshnet VPN configuration.

The first interesting difference to observe is that, unlike a VPN server, in general, both Meshnet devices will be located in their local area networks.

And without Meshnet’s NAT traversal capabilities, turning a device into a VPN server for easy connection by other devices would be challenging.

The second difference is that your dedicated VPN server will usually have not one, but two NATing steps.

  1. The client’s (device A) source IP is changed to the server’s IP (device B).

  2. The server’s IP (device B) is then changed to the router’s IP.

This unlocks some interesting behavior: If device A is your phone, and device B is your home PC, routing through B makes it appear to your network that your phone is actually your PC. This allows you to securely access your home network without needing API services hosted on a public server.

And if you use a service that only allows access from your home network, it becomes impossible to tell whether the network messages are coming directly from your home PC or a device routing through it.

At this point, if you are even slightly inclined towards security, some alarm bells may be ringing.

Security considerations

Traffic routing is a very powerful feature:

  • You can take over a local network.

  • The device functioning as a VPN server can inspect all traffic going through it.

  • Other devices can essentially mimic your device.

As such, we want the user to have as much control as possible, so a couple of flags exist to be set on each device per connection.

  • Allow traffic routing: Specifies if a device can route its traffic through the device acting as a VPN server at all

  • Allow local network access: Specifies if the device can communicate with other devices in the server’s local area network

Generally, when using this feature, we want to avoid behaviors that might not be obvious at first glance.

A great example of this is a security issue we found and mitigated during development:

Traffic routing could cause unexpected security issues

Traffic routing could cause unexpected security issues.

Let’s say we have two Meshnet accounts: Mesh X with devices A and B, and Mesh Y with device C. Device C has an external connection to device B, which allows traffic routing for C.

Without any additional network rules, when C is routing through B and pings A’s private IP, it would actually reach A, even though they are not configured to be directly connected. It does not even require NAT to work in this case.

So without any explicit user input, device B has unintentionally exposed device A to device C.

To prevent this, we ensure that all such packets are dropped by B. The only way for C to reach A is to send a Meshnet invite and form a direct connection, making this relationship explicit.

In short, traffic routing is a relatively simple technical solution that unlocks many interesting capabilities in the Meshnet network.

Read more about Meshnet.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About NordLayer
NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses – from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security.

The web has become a chaotic space where safety and trust have been compromised by cybercrime and data protection issues. Therefore, our team has a global mission to shape a more trusted and peaceful online future for people everywhere.

About NordLayer
NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses – from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security.

The web has become a chaotic space where safety and trust have been compromised by cybercrime and data protection issues. Therefore, our team has a global mission to shape a more trusted and peaceful online future for people everywhere.

How CyberCare integrated Zendesk and NordLayer for the best customer support on the market

CyberCare is a beacon of customer support and stands tall with its roots firmly planted in customer experience excellence. With offices in Lithuania and Ukraine, the company’s workforce of 400 employees embraces a hybrid model. CyberCare succeeds in a culture of quality and flexibility, serving millions worldwide.

Profile of CyberCare

Darius Dagys, Head of Business Development, pilots the organization’s journey of supporting diverse cybersecurity products by leading external partnerships and automation internally. Operating with client data and handling user requests, the company understands the importance of employing the right tools to make work and security effortless and efficient.

The challenge

On a mission to secure client data effectively

Key pain points

For CyberCare, the security of customer data is non-negotiable. As a company that prides itself on providing superior customer support, it became evident that an enhanced security framework was imperative.

The quest wasn’t sparked by a singular incident but by a continuous commitment to uphold the highest standards of data security and privacy.

“Customers trust us with their data when we provide customer support, making the data paramount. To reflect how we value this trust, CyberCare follows best cybersecurity practices.”

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CyberCare combines various technologies and solutions to achieve the best results. However, when they found themselves in need of a network security tool, the team looked for something to ease their daily tasks, maintenance, and configuration to integrate into the existing technology stack smoothly.

“With three years of customer support experience under our belt, our team has provided over 38 million solutions to end-users. At Cybercare, we recognize the criticality of automation, the latest technologies, and top-notch quality in delivering  services.”

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Simple integration and high-security standards led the lookout for a new tool. The challenge was unique as the customer support software vendor secured part of the client data. For complete protection, CyberCare needed to ensure that access to the network is secure from its side as well.

The solution

A simple and effective way to add another security layer

Main criteria choosing the solution

The pivot from previous VPN tools to NordLayer wasn’t a leap in the dark but a calculated step toward fortified security. NordLayer, with its robust VPN services, offered the perfect armor to shield the valuable data entrusted by clients.

“Before NordLayer, we had a short sprint with other VPN tools, which were more complicated. They were managed manually and it was difficult to onboard and offboard new CyberCare employees.”

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Eliminating the complexity and creating shortcuts in user management and network controls streamlined the processes of the CyberCare security team.

“IP allowlisting and creation of other policies are configured automatically, so my team doesn’t have to spend much time setting up the tool.”

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The most important thing is that NordLayer complemented already existing tools in use, such as SSO integration and the customer support solution Zendesk.

Why choose NordLayer?

The choice was clear and devoid of lengthy deliberations. NordLayer promised simplicity, efficacy, and unwavering security.

“NordLayer solution is very simple to use—no effort required.”

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It stood out as CyberCare needed to navigate cyberspace, ensuring data remains inviolable confidently.

“Having a combination of different security layers and solutions, I sleep well knowing that our customers’ data is secure.”

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One of the criteria for selecting NordLayer was its adherence to security standards. Aligning with compliance requirements gives a stronger foundation to a company like CyberCare to be sure all is well on all fronts.

Strategic integration of NordLayer and Zendesk to efficiently protect customer data

Strategic integration of NordLayer and Zendesk to efficiently protect customer data

Who? Dual synergy

CyberCare employs both internal policies and external tools to manage sensitive data. They emphasize selecting partners like Zendesk, known for its commitment to security and ensuring compliance with the latest standards.

Why? Strategic alignment

Zendesk was chosen for its status as a leading CRM platform, ease of use, and significant investment in security. This partnership was based on the need for a CRM that matched CyberCare’s security requirements and business operations.

How? The process

CyberCare leverages NordLayer to ensure that the login process to Zendesk is encrypted and secure. With NordLayer, they assign fixed IPs, meaning Zendesk can be accessed securely via these IPs. This setup guarantees that both the traffic within Zendesk and the access to it are encrypted and safeguarded.

What? The usage

The integration is seamless for employees who log into Zendesk through NordLayer without navigating complex security measures. This not only simplifies the process but also enforces a high level of security by default.

The outcome

An intuitive tool you can forget about

The benefits of implementing NordLayer

The integration of NordLayer into CyberCare’s operations marked a new dawn. With NordLayer’s intuitive design and features like 2FA, SSO, and static IPs, CyberCare not only safeguarded its data but also streamlined access and management processes.

“There are two things about using NordLayer in the team. First, it’s definitely easy, as the app always runs automatically in the background. Second, users must select the correct gateway to connect to Zendesk to do their work, so it’s intuitive by design.”

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As for the tool implementation, NordLayer didn’t require long preparations and complicated setups. Simple, from start to finish, the deployment and solution adoption in the team was as smooth as it gets.

“Onboarding people to NordLayer took one hour. We had to make preparations from the back end, but for the team, it was super easy. You just have an app, click connect, and you can forget about it. There was no trouble at all.”

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The simplicity of NordLayer’s VPN solution meant that employees could focus on their tasks without the distraction of complex security protocols.

Pro cybersecurity tips

Have you ever thought about your top cybersecurity hygiene actions you perform daily? It’s a good question to ask yourself for a self-check because maybe today is the day you start acting a bit more secure than yesterday.

If you don’t know where to start or want to compare your habits with other professionals, here are Darius Dagys, the Head of Business Development and AI at CyberCare, the top favorite tips everyone should consider.

Darius Dagys, Head of Business Development @CyberCare, about cybersecurity

In essence, the collaboration between NordLayer and Zendesk within CyberCare’s operations showcases a forward-thinking approach to data security, emphasizing ease of use without compromising on stringent security measures. This strategic choice not only aligns with their internal policies but also reinforces their commitment to protecting sensitive customer information.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About NordLayer
NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses – from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security.

The web has become a chaotic space where safety and trust have been compromised by cybercrime and data protection issues. Therefore, our team has a global mission to shape a more trusted and peaceful online future for people everywhere.

About NordLayer
NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses – from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security.

The web has become a chaotic space where safety and trust have been compromised by cybercrime and data protection issues. Therefore, our team has a global mission to shape a more trusted and peaceful online future for people everywhere.

7 common IT issues, why they happen and how to solve them

If you’ve been looking for ways to maximize productivity in your IT department, you’re in good company. According to CompTIA’s IT Industry Outlook 2024 report, businesses of all sizes are prioritizing it too.

Source: CompTIA

But all IT professionals know that a range of IT issues — network connectivity, data security threats, outdated hardware and software, you name it — can easily get in the way. To take your organization forward, you need to proactively get ahead of common IT problems and solutions, one by one.

With Atera’s all-in-one IT management platform, solving or proactively preventing IT issues is far easier, thanks to predictive AI and automation that can identify problems and suggest fixes when, or even before, they arise.

Let’s explore a list of the top 7 common IT issues that you are likely to face, how to solve them, and how Atera’s IT management solution can help you do it even more efficiently.

1. Network connectivity problems

Strong network connections are essential for an organization’s daily functioning, so it is not surprising that network connectivity heads the list of common IT problems and solutions. Common issues with connectivity include:

  • Dropped connections
  • Inability to access network resources
  • Slow internet speeds
  • High bandwidth usage
  • High CPU usage
  • IP address conflicts
  • Cable issues
  • DNS issues
  • Configuration errors
  • Security breaches

Causes of network connectivity issues

Problems with network connectivity can be caused by hardware, software, and disruptions from elements both internal and external to the network. The main culprits that should be checked are:

  • Outdated hardware
  • Interference
  • Misconfigured network settings

How to solve network connectivity problems

There are several ways to tackle problems that arise with network connectivity. If you are facing issues with network connections, try the following:

  • Regularly update and maintain hardware.
  • Optimize network configurations.
  • Verify that devices are not in airplane mode, then restart routers or devices.
  • Upgrade to higher network bandwidth if you keep reaching your limit.
  • Use network monitoring tools to identify and address issues promptly.
  • If nothing works, check whether your firewall is too restrictive or if your system has been hacked.

How Atera can help

Atera provides robust network monitoring and management tools, enabling teams to detect connectivity challenges quickly and troubleshoot them remotely. Automated alerts notify technicians of potential problems with network connectivity, ensuring timely resolution.

2. Data security threats

Cybersecurity is another critical issue for IT-based organizations, and data security threats are increasing in number and scope all the time. Breaches put everyone at risk — your company, employees, customers, and partners. Common cyber threats that IT organizations face today include:

  • Malware
  • Phishing attacks
  • Password hacking
  • Ransomware
  • Data breaches
  • Supply chain attacks
  • Denial of services (Dos)

Causes of data security threats

Cyber criminals are a fact of life for IT departments. It is important not just to focus on the offensive that they are putting to IT networks, but also to consider the defenses that you can put in place. Problems with those defenses are significant causes of data security threats, including:

  • Inadequate security measures, including outdated patches
  • Lack of employee training in cyber defense, leading to gaps in the security posture
  • Outdated software

How to solve data security threats

Maintaining cybersecurity defenses demands nonstop vigilance. To prevent data security threats before they strike, take the following measures:

  • Implement robust security protocols and regular updates.
  • Create ongoing schedules for patching vulnerabilities.
  • Conduct regular employee training on cybersecurity best practices.
  • Decrease remediation time.
  • Implement zero trust. Limit access to sensitive data only to internal and external sources that really need it to support your company.
  • Use advanced security software and firewalls.

How Atera can help

Poor patch management policy is one of the most critical issues for IT teams today. According to Verizon’s 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report, 85% of vulnerabilities tend to remain unremediated 30 days after their patches are available, and 47% after 60 days. Atera supports automated patch management to ensure all systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches, with minimal effort. Additionally, Atera integrates with leading security software, providing comprehensive protection against threats. It also offers tools for conducting security audits and vulnerability assessments.

Source: Verizon

3. Software compatibility issues

In 2022, organizations worldwide were already using an average 130 SaaS applications. A leading IT challenge is when new software is not compatible with existing systems. Examples of software compatibility issues include:

  • Legacy hardware that needs to cooperate with innovative software
  • Incompatible software versions
  • Conflicting antivirus problems
  • Driver-software incompatibility
  • Web browser incompatibility

Causes of software compatibility issues

Integrating a wide range of software and applications while ensuring smooth continuity of IT operations can be tricky. Some of the causes of incompatibility in software are:

  • Lack of standardization
  • Outdated systems
  • Poor planning

How to solve software compatibility issues

Ensuring compatibility between softwares demands regular monitoring and testing. It is far better to work proactively to identify and predict compatibility issues, rather than waiting till problems arise. Here are several tactics to effectively solve software compatibility problems:

  • Perform thorough compatibility testing before software deployment.
  • Maintain up-to-date systems and software.
  • Develop a standardized IT environment.
  • Deploy automated patch management.
  • Uninstall software, plugins, and extensions you no longer use.
  • Handle conflicting software products by trying to unify your IT solutions into a holistic one. For example, rather than deploying separate RMM and patch management tools, use an all-in-one IT management platform like Atera.

How Atera can help

Atera’s remote monitoring and management capabilities allow for extensive testing of new software in various environments. Inventory management tools that are included in Atera’s all-in-one solution assist in maintaining a standardized IT environment. Additionally, Atera helps to keep systems updated and compatible by automating software updates, solving this IT problem with peak efficiency.

4. Insufficient backup and recovery plans

Another big IT problem for many organizations is a sub-par strategy for comprehensive backup and recovery.

A solid backup strategy involves deciding which data to backup, where, how often, for how long, and how to replicate it when needed. Recovery strategies include a solid backup strategy — with special care for sensitive data — and clear ownership and communication plans for disaster situations. And just like with fire drills, it’s important to practice the recovery plan so it runs smoothly in the event of a data disaster.

Causes of insufficient backup and recovery plans

When backup and recovery plans are not robust enough for purpose, it could be due to:

  • Over-reliance on single backup solutions
  • Infrequent backups
  • Untested recovery plans

How to solve the issue of insufficient backup and recovery plans

Backup and recovery is part strategy, part technical, and part teamwork. Ensuring a sufficient back and recovery plan involves a range of actions and tactics:

  • Conduct a vulnerability assessment.
  • Implement multi-layered backup solutions (local and cloud).
  • Schedule regular backups.
  • Perform healthy maintenance to prevent severe IT issues. For example, updating your cybersecurity software versions and taking care of hardware issues before they escalate.
  • Document backup and recovery processes, and assign ownership to team members.
  • Test recovery plans periodically to ensure effectiveness.

How Atera can help

Atera supports integration with popular backup solutions, facilitating regular, automated backups. It also monitors backup processes, ensuring they are completed successfully without IT problems. Plus, the platform’s remote access capabilities make it easy to test and manage your recovery plans, so you are always prepared to counter disaster scenarios if they should arise.

5. Outdated hardware and software

For many organizations, modernization is a challenging process. Using outdated technology can lead to some of the most frustrating IT issues, including:

  • Slow or inaccurate performance
  • Software incompatibility, especially with newer solutions that offer efficiency and scalability
  • Security vulnerability
  • Data loss
  • Noncompliance with current laws and regulations
  • More time maintaining and solving IT issues, less time on high value work

Causes of outdated hardware and software issues

In an ideal world, IT teams would only be using the latest, updated hardware and software. Unfortunately, in the real world, there are several reasons why this is not always the case:

  • Budget constraints
  • Lack of awareness of new tools or versions
  • Complacency, or too busy with other tasks

How to solve problems around outdated hardware and software

Ensuring your technology is reasonably updated at all times requires ongoing monitoring of IT assets. Take proactive steps to keep in line with advancements in hardware and software, including:

  • Regularly audit IT assets to identify outdated components.
  • Update versions and handle IT challenges fast to prevent issue escalation.
  • Educate stakeholders on the benefits of up-to-date technology.
  • Explore unifying solutions to ease budget constraints. For example, an all-inclusive IT management software can offer both helpdesk and cybersecurity capabilities in one solution, making it easier to stay updated and relevant.
  • Consider outsourcing some of your work to providers who have access to innovative technology.
  • Plan and budget for regular upgrades.

How Atera can help

Atera provides an all-in-one, up-to-date, and AI-powered solution for IT departments. It includes an inventory management system that keeps track of all hardware and software assets, highlighting outdated components. Automated patch management ensures software is always updated. Also, the robust IT reporting tools help in planning and budgeting for upgrades by providing detailed insights into asset lifecycles.

6. User support and training gaps

In a CyberEdge survey of 1,200 IT security professionals from 17 countries, gaps in skill and awareness among personnel was shown to be the top barriers to effective cybersecurity.

Source: CyberEdge

Of course, cybersecurity is only one of the areas that insufficient staff training and support causes IT problems. There are plenty of other ways that training gaps can contribute to employee errors that ultimately lead to IT issues. For example:

  • Employees mistakenly click on a link or open a file that contains malware
  • Inefficient work processes and unsuccessful product deployment due to not knowing how to use innovative tools
  • Unintentional damage to hardware or data
  • Unnecessary heavier workload for your IT department, which might prevent them from working on higher value IT issues
  • High employee turnover as staff move to workplaces willing to invest in training and support

Causes of gaps in staff training and support

While it might be tempting to focus on technical issues, many IT problems actually stem from people. Providing high quality, ongoing training and support is key to smoothing IT issues and preventing them in the first place. The reasons why some organizations are not providing the necessary training and support to staff could be:

  • Lack of budget for training programs
  • Lack of awareness of the importance of staff training
  • Inadequate support strategies, tools, and resources
  • Poor communication

How to solve gaps in staff training and support

Personnel problems can be solved with technology-based solutions, such as LMS (learning management systems). However, it must also take into account the human side of the equation, which means staying attentive to employees’ needs and requests. For example:

  • Develop comprehensive employee training programs.
  • Offer multiple learning methods to serve different needs.
  • Provide a range of accessible support channels.
  • Build a culture of ongoing learning and IT literacy.
  • Reward new skill implementation by acknowledging the employees’ growing contribution to the company.

How Atera can help

Atera goes beyond IT management, with functions for scheduling and tracking training programs, ensuring employees are continually updated on IT issues and best practices. The platform offers a helpdesk and ticketing system plus remote support capabilities. Therefore, IT teams can assist users as they learn new skills, regardless of location.

7. Scalability issues

To wrap up our list of common IT problems and solutions, let’s talk about scalability. As businesses grow, IT systems may struggle to scale effectively. To give a few examples of scalability fails:

  • Software products don’t offer automation solutions
  • IT infrastructure can’t keep up with the added usages
  • IT support team can’t keep up with the increase in tickets and inquiries
  • Quality gets compromised in the rush to scale

Causes of scalability problems

Scaling an IT organization is more than the sum of software, hardware, and networks. It requires a shift in mindset and IT culture based on accurate strategizing, planning, and execution. Reasons why scalability problems occur usually revolve around issues like:

  • Poor initial planning
  • Rigid IT infrastructure
  • Lack of foresight about IT requirements (including technology, resources, personnel, and budget)

How to solve scalability issues

Problems around scalability are first solved with the right planning and design. The physical execution and implementation will follow on smoothly. Doing scalability right will help prevent and solve issues down the road. Here are some key solutions:

  • Design IT systems with scalability in mind from the start.
  • Utilize scalable cloud services and infrastructure.
  • Regularly review and adjust IT strategies to accommodate growth.
  • Automate as much as possible without compromising quality.
  • Develop a solid backup and recovery strategy. The more you grow, the more assets you have to protect.
  • Launch strategic partnerships with tech companies and consultants that specialize in IT challenges surrounding scalability.

How Atera can help

Atera’s scalable cloud-based IT management platform grows with your business, offering flexible solutions for expanding IT issues and needs. The platform’s comprehensive monitoring and management tools support seamless scaling of IT infrastructure. Atera also provides detailed analytics and reporting to help plan and adjust IT strategies in line with business growth.

Solve common IT issues every day with Atera

So many companies are overwhelmed by IT challenges, they end up falling behind on the tasks that matter most for maintaining IT efficiency and scaling towards success.

Instead, IT teams that put an emphasis on continuous monitoring, updates, and employee training can move ahead of the competition more efficiently.

Atera’s IT management platform can be your partner in solving the most common (and more complex) issues that IT professionals face every day. With fast, easy deployment, you can get on top of your IT issues right away. Start your free Atera trial today.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About Atera
Small and medium IT operators are the heroes behind the scenes supporting companies around the world. They care a lot for their clients (external or internal) and often work virtually 24/7. However, small and medium IT service providers have always been underserved.
Atera was built for exactly that. With the vision to simplify and streamline the work of Managed Service Providers and IT professionals. To create something that saves them time, energy, and money. To free them from needing to constantly put out fires.
That vision created the remote-first IT management software – enabling IT professionals to shift from reactive task takers to proactive problem solvers.
Now operating from our beautiful offices on Rothchild in Tel Aviv, Atera is currently used by thousands and thousands of IT professionals all over the world (105+ countries).
As we rapidly grow, our goal remains the same: to transform the IT industry with revolutionary technology, while creating one of the happiest and healthiest work environments in the world.



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