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Cybersecurity in the EU: The NIS2 Directive

Navigating the evolving landscape of network and information security is a pivotal concern in the current era. As technology becomes more complex, the need for comprehensive policies and regulations to safeguard critical infrastructure and digital services becomes ever more apparent. One such initiative set to drastically alter the cyber landscape is the NIS2 Directive.


What is the NIS2 Directive for cybersecurity?

The NIS2 Directive, or Network and Information Security Directive 2, is EU-wide legislation on cybersecurity. It was introduced as a robust step forward to heighten the overall level of cybersecurity within the European Union. The NIS2 Directive came into force in 2023 with the goal to modernize the existing legal framework of the original NIS Directive that was introduced in 2016.

This update came in response to the escalated digitization and evolving threat landscape.

The NIS2 Directive expands its coverage beyond the initial realm. It extends the cybersecurity rules to new sectors and entities. It is designed to reinforce the resilience and incident response capacities of public and private entities. It achieves this by fostering Member States’ preparedness and promoting cooperation among them.

For instance, it mandates that Member States be suitably equipped. This includes a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) and a competent national network and information systems (NIS) authority.

What are the main goals behind NIS2?

The NIS2 Directive’s primary objective is to promote robust cybersecurity across the EU. This includes safeguarding vital sectors from cyber threats and boosting trust in important services.

It does this by:

  • Establishing a standardized level of cybersecurity protection measures across all EU member states.

  • Clearly identifying and regulating the sectors affected by the directive.

  • Expanding cyber security measures and tightening incident reporting rules.

  • Improving the cooperation and coordination among member states in handling cyber threats.

The aim of NIS2 is to establish a standardized level of protection across all EU member states. It clearly identifies affected sectors and minimum security requirements and unifies reporting obligations. It also introduces enforcement measures and sanctions. These efforts aim to protect critical infrastructure and EU citizens from cyberattacks.

One major improvement of NIS2 over its predecessor NIS 1 is its specific scope. Sectors affected include manufacturing, food, courier services, space, and digital infrastructure. Medium and large organizations operating within these sectors fall under the NIS2 scope.

NIS2 distinguishes between “essential” and “important” entities. Both types must comply with the same security measures. However, “essential” entities are under proactive supervision.

Changes include strengthened security requirements, enhanced enforcement, stricter incident reporting, and improved cooperation. It has rules for risk management, cybersecurity training, crisis management, and data encryption. It aims to eliminate the flexibility that led to vulnerabilities under the original NIS.

Incident reporting now has new mandatory stricter timeframes, with an initial report required within 24 hours of a cybersecurity issue. This enables authorities to respond better to potential threats. Moreover, NIS2 fosters cooperation and communication between member states. It does this by establishing a European Cyber Crisis Liaison Organization Network. This makes network security a collective effort.

How does the NIS2 Directive impact business?

The NIS2 Directive’s wider scope brings a broader range of businesses under its ambit. It particularly affects those providing critical infrastructure within the EU.

As such, it’s crucial for these entities to understand what the directive entails. You may need to prepare for enhanced risk management and incident reporting requirements.

One of the key areas for businesses to address under the NIS2 Directive is the security of network and information systems.

To meet the requirements of the directive, businesses are expected to establish a robust cybersecurity-risk management program. This program should include technical and organizational measures including authentication, authorization, encryption, and consistent monitoring for the security of network, information systems, and APIs.

Key steps to building a comprehensive network and information security program might include:

  • Conducting a comprehensive cybersecurity risk assessment. This should help identify any risks posed to your network, information systems, and APIs.

  • Implementing appropriate measures to manage identified risks. Key measures might include authentication, authorization, encryption, and consistent monitoring of your network and information systems.

  • Developing robust incident reporting mechanisms. You should establish systems that can detect and report security incidents related to your network and information systems.

  • Ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and standards. In addition to the NIS2 Directive, businesses should ensure they are compliant with other applicable regulations like the GDPR and other pertinent data protection laws.

  • Training and awareness. Finally, companies should educate their employees, contractors, and third-party providers about network and information system security practices. This could cover secure coding practices, secure deployment practices, and incident response procedures.

By focusing on these aspects, businesses can ensure that they are prepared for the NIS2 Directive. They can adequately protect their networks and systems from potential cyber threats. In addition, they will be better positioned to demonstrate their compliance to national cybersecurity authorities, thereby enhancing trust in their services or critical infrastructure.

Which sectors are affected by NIS2?

NIS2 Directive Affected Sectors

The NIS2 Directive expands its reach beyond the original NIS Directive, encompassing a broader range of sectors.

These include essential service operators in areas such as:

  • Energy

  • Transport

  • Banking

  • Healthcare

  • Digital service providers like online marketplaces, social networking platforms, and search engines

  • Research

  • ICT-Service management

  • Space

  • Entities providing domain name registration services

Businesses in these sectors must adhere to the regulations and requirements set forth by the NIS2 Directive.

When does NIS2 come into force?

The Member States have been given a window of 21 months until October 17, 2024, to transpose the measures outlined in the NIS2 Directive into national law.

The implication is clear: Businesses must prepare and adapt to the new network and information security landscape.

New Cybersecurity Directives – the CER Directive

Beyond the NIS2 Directive, another noteworthy legislation is the European Directive for Critical Entities Resilience (CER). The main difference between NIS2 and CER is that NIS2 is focused on cybersecurity, and CER is focused on physical security from natural disasters, floods, fires, etc.

The CER Directive replaces the European Critical Infrastructure Directive of 2008. It introduces stronger rules to enhance critical infrastructure against threats, including natural hazards, terrorist attacks, insider threats, and sabotage.

The CER Directive entered into force on January 16, 2023. Member States have until October 17, 2024, to transpose the requirements of the CER Directive into national law. By this date, each Member State is required to adopt and publish the measures necessary to comply with the directive. They must apply those measures from October 18, 2024.

Under the CER Directive, Member States must develop a strategy for enhancing the resilience of critical entities by January 17, 2026. This strategy aims to strengthen the ability of critical entities to prepare for, cope with, protect against, respond to, and recover from incidents that could disrupt the provision of essential services.

The CER Directive covers eleven sectors: energy, transport, banking, financial market infrastructures, health, drinking water, wastewater, digital infrastructure, public administration, space, and food. Member States are required to adopt a national strategy and conduct regular risk assessments.

The bottom line

The NIS2 Directive is poised to become a vital framework for cybersecurity in the EU. Businesses that fall under its scope must install rigorous technical, operational and organizational measures.

The deadline for national adoption of the directive is looming. Businesses must begin preparing to meet the NIS2 requirements.

In the context of the need for compliance with NIS2 regulations, NordPass offers valuable support as a password manager. Its features are designed to enhance your organization’s password security.

One key feature is the encrypted password vault. This securely stores all work-related passwords and information using the secure XChaCha20 encryption. NordPass’s zero-knowledge architecture ensures only authorized users can access the data.

NordPass also provides a password generator. It allows you to easily create strong and unique passwords that are resistant to guessing or brute-force attacks. The password health feature helps you assess the strength and security of your passwords. Identify any weaknesses or instances of password reuse that may put your accounts at risk.

Additionally, NordPass includes a data breach scanner. Automatically detect if any of your company’s domains or emails have been compromised in data breaches. This enables you to take immediate action to mitigate potential risks and protect your accounts. The password policy feature allows you to establish a robust password policy at the administrative level.

The activity log feature of NordPass provides transparency and accountability. This helps you maintain control over your company’s logins. Multi-factor authentication adds a layer of security, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

These features help businesses enhance their password security and compliance with NIS2 regulations. This helps contribute to a more secure and resilient digital environment.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About NordPass
NordPass is developed by Nord Security, a company leading the global market of cybersecurity products.

The web has become a chaotic space where safety and trust have been compromised by cybercrime and data protection issues. Therefore, our team has a global mission to shape a more trusted and peaceful online future for people everywhere.

My phone number was found on the dark web — What do I do?

Recognizing the dark web threat

The dark web remains one of the most mysterious parts of the internet. You may have heard of it and have a general idea of what it is, but you might be surprised by its size and the extent of its illegal activities. Dark web markets, for instance, are vast virtual spaces where hackers, cybercriminals, and shady characters trade all sorts of illegally obtained digital items. These include driver’s licenses, passports, ID cards, credit card details, bank statements…. and even phone numbers.

Right now you might be wondering — why would anyone try to sell my phone number on the dark web? The answer is pretty simple: to use it for illegal activities such as scam calls, identity theft, or fraud, so that it ultimately leads to making illegal profits.

The problem is that most people don’t even know their phone numbers and other personal information is for sale on the dark web. So, as Jeff Daniels’ character said in the pilot episode of “Newsroom”: “The first step to solving a problem is recognizing there is one.” Therefore, every online user should check if their data — including phone numbers — is on the dark web, and here’s how you can do it.

How to find out if your phone number is on the dark web

Some people think checking if their personal information, like their phone number, is on the dark web is complicated and requires finding a way to get inside the dark web. In reality, however, it’s quite easy — provided you have the right tools.

Today, many breach monitoring platforms and dark web scan services can check if your data is for sale on the dark web. However, not all of them can check for phone number leaks. Therefore, it’s important to choose a data breach scanner or monitoring system that includes phone number checks along with credential and email breaches.

With the right tool, finding out if your phone number is on the dark web is pretty straightforward. You simply enter your phone number into the application, and the tool scans the dark web for matches. Then, you just need to check whether the result is positive or negative.

What can happen if your phone number ends up on the dark web?

When the results are in, and it turns out that your phone number is indeed on the dark web, you may feel a little unsettled. In that moment you need to remember that you are not the only person this has happened to. Unfortunately, phone number theft is quite common these days, affecting millions of users each year, and often, it is very difficult to prevent.

What can worry you is what cybercriminals will do with that stolen piece of information. Sadly, there is quite a lot they can do with it. If cybercriminals get a hold of your phone number via the dark web, they can use it to:

  • Send scam messages, make scam calls, or even blackmail you.

  • Try to take control of your mobile device.

  • Steal even more information about you.

  • Use the 2FA codes sent to your mobile phone to access your email or online accounts.

Can you remove your phone number from the dark web?

We’re sorry to say that, realistically, you cannot remove your stolen phone number from the dark web. Removing it from a traditional surface website would be difficult enough — with the dark web, it is almost impossible. Additionally, the dark web has no technical support you can contact about these matters, and trying to reach the perpetrators could make things worse as it may put you in the spotlight for cybercriminals.

What to do if your phone number is on the dark web

Since you cannot remove your phone number from the dark web, the question is — what actions can you take to mitigate the risks? Luckily, there are a few things you can do to prevent cybercriminals from taking advantage of your stolen phone number. These include:

Reject all suspicious calls and SMS messages

If your phone number gets compromised, you must be super vigilant about any unsolicited communications you receive. If a call or message seems suspicious, do not respond or provide any information. And if you’re worried that you will reveal your private data by mistake, remember you can always block spam numbers or use call-blocking apps to reduce the risk of falling prey to phishing attempts.

Use multi-factor authentication (but not SMS-based)

If your phone number or other sensitive data appears on the dark web, you need to take steps to secure your online accounts. Start by enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA). Use app-based authenticators or hardware tokens instead of SMS-based methods, which are more vulnerable to interception and SIM-swapping attacks.

Create strong passwords for your online accounts

If your phone number linked to your online accounts gets leaked, you need to act fast and change your account passwords immediately. Just make sure your new passwords are complex, unique, and difficult to crack. Use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters, and avoid reusing passwords across different sites.

SIDE NOTE: You can always use our password generator to quickly create new strong passwords for your online accounts.

How to prevent your personal information from ending up on the dark web

When discussing ways to prevent data from being leaked on the dark web, we cannot emphasize enough the need to use really strong passwords for all online accounts and services. However, it’s not only about using strong passwords but also keeping them in a safe place, preferably an encrypted virtual space to which no unauthorized third parties can have access.

You can address both of these issues with a tool such as NordPass, which is an advanced yet easy-to-use password manager that allows you to generate strong passwords on the spot and then store them in an encrypted vault. It also enables you to autofill credentials quickly for fast and secure logins, as well as share sensitive data safely with the people you trust over encryption-protected channels.

Additionally, NordPass offers a feature called Data Breach Scanner that allows you to easily check if your email address and credit card details have been compromised in a breach. By providing this tool, NordPass offers a comprehensive platform for addressing the threat of the dark web on multiple fronts. So, if you’re looking to enhance your cybersecurity and, as a bonus, improve your productivity, be sure to give NordPass a try.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can my phone number end up on the dark web?

Your phone number might end up on the dark web through data breaches from websites or companies where you’ve shared your contact details, often due to weak security or cyberattacks. Moreover, if you’ve unintentionally posted your number on social media or other public platforms, it could be gathered by data scrapers and later traded on the dark web. Once there, your phone number could be sold to spammers, scammers, or other malicious parties for various illicit purposes, like phishing or identity theft.

Should I be worried if my information is on the dark web?

While having your information leak via the dark web can be concerning, it doesn’t necessarily mean immediate harm. Thousands of data breaches occur each year, involving millions of users worldwide. However, not all of them become targets of cybercriminals. Of course, this doesn’t mean you won’t be targeted — you can be. Therefore, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to safeguard your identity and finances. This includes monitoring your accounts, changing passwords, and considering identity theft protection services.

Can changing my phone number solve the problem?

Changing your phone number can help reduce unwanted calls and spam messages from cybercriminals. However, it won’t entirely eliminate the risk since other personal information, like your email address, might also be exposed. Therefore, you must monitor your accounts for suspicious activity and take additional security measures, like using a robust password manager and enabling multi-factor authentication.

How likely is it for my information to be misused if it’s on the dark web?

If your personal information ends up on the dark web, its misuse depends on its value and how well it’s protected. Though not all data shared via the dark web is exploited, once it’s there, it can be used to make you a target of a cyber-attack. Therefore, you need to stay vigilant and implement strong security measures to help keep your information safe from the dangers of the dark web.

Is it safe to continue using my accounts and devices after such an incident?

If you experience a data breach security incident, you must take the necessary actions to secure your accounts and devices. Depending on the severity of the breach, you may need to change passwords and implement additional security measures such as multi-factor authentication. This is to say that continuing to use your accounts can be safe once you’ve implemented the right security measures and are confident that any vulnerabilities have been addressed properly.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About NordPass
NordPass is developed by Nord Security, a company leading the global market of cybersecurity products.

The web has become a chaotic space where safety and trust have been compromised by cybercrime and data protection issues. Therefore, our team has a global mission to shape a more trusted and peaceful online future for people everywhere.

Forgot your X/Twitter password? Here’s a short guide to X/Twitter password reset

After a long stint away from social media, it’s time to sit down and plug yourself back into the grid. You log into Facebook, nothing interesting there. Instagram – same stuff, different day. How about X/Twitter? What social faux pas has your favorite political figure committed today? You enter your username, a familiar password, and wait for your feed to pop up. Instead, you’re greeted by this message: “The password you entered did not match our records.”

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, it’s not uncommon to forget a password or two. It happens to the best of us. But forgetting your X/Twitter password or getting it compromised can be particularly frustrating and disconcerting, especially given the platform’s history of data breaches.

So, whether you’ve forgotten your password or your login details are compromised, or maybe you want to keep on top of your security – this guide is here to get you through changing or resetting your X/Twitter password as painlessly as possible.

How to change your X/Twitter password

Luckily, if you already know your password and merely want to change it to keep up with your account security, changing your password is an easy and swift process.

  1. Log into X/Twitter.

  2. Click “More” at the bottom of the dashboard on the left.

  3. Now select “Settings and privacy.”

  4. Click “Your account” and select “Change your password.”

  5. Type your “Current password.”

  6. Now enter your new passwords twice and click “Save” to confirm the change

When creating a new password, you should be aware of the X/Twitter password requirements, which are designed to help you create a complex and unique password. The X/Twitter password requirements ask for a password to be at least 10 characters long with a mix of lower- and upper-case letters, numbers, as well as symbols. Additionally, users are asked not to use common dictionary words or phrases, which are predictable and easy to compromise.

How to reset your X/Twitter password

Resetting your X/Twitter password is a simple process, whether you’re using the desktop site or the mobile app on iOS or Android devices. However, you should be aware that the following instructions can only work if you’ve supplied an extra level of authentication when setting up the X/Twitter account. Here are a few different ways that you can reset your X/Twitter password:

Reset your X/Twitter password via email

To reset your X/Twitter password via email, you need to:

  1. Go to the X/Twitter login page or open the app on your mobile device.

  2. Click the “Forgot password?” link.

  3. Enter your email address, and click “Search.”

  4. Select “Send email” to receive a password reset link in your inbox.

  5. Check your email and click on the link provided in the password reset email from X/Twitter.

  6. Enter a new password, confirm it, and click “Submit” to complete the process.

Reset your X/Twitter password via SMS text message

To reset your X/Twitter password via SMS text message, you need to:

  1. Ensure that your phone number is linked to your X/Twitter account.

  2. Go to the X/Twitter login page or open the app on your mobile device.

  3. Click the “Forgot password?” link.

  4. Enter the phone number, associated with your X/Twitter account, and click “Search.”

  5. Select “Send SMS” to receive a password reset code via text message.

  6. Enter the code received in the SMS text message and click “Submit.”

  7. Enter a new password, confirm it, and click “Submit” to complete the process.

How to reset X/Twitter password without email or phone number

If you don’t have access to your email or phone number, follow these steps:

  1. Go to X/Twitter’s Help Center.

  2. Select “I need help resetting my password.”

  3. Complete the form with the required information. Provide all additional information about your account.

  4. X/Twitter support will review your request and may contact you for further information before resetting your password.

How to make your account more secure

Securing your X/Twitter account is crucial to protect your personal information and avoid unauthorized access. The following tips are designed to help you fortify the security of your X/Twitter account.

1. Enable password reset protection.

Enable the password reset protection feature on your X/Twitter account and add an extra layer of security when resetting your password. To enable this functionality, you need to:

  • Click on your profile icon and select “Settings and privacy.”

  • Choose “Account” and then click on “Security settings.”

  • Toggle on the “Password reset protection” option.

  • Save the changes.

With this feature enabled, you’ll be required to provide additional information when attempting a password reset, making it more difficult for hackers to gain access to your account.

2. Set up two-factor authentication (2FA).

Two-factor authentication is a powerful security measure that requires you to provide a second form of identification when logging in, such as a code sent to your mobile device. This makes it much harder for someone to access your account, even if they know your password. To set up 2FA on X/Twitter:

  • Click on your profile icon and select “Settings and privacy.”

  • Choose “Account” and then click on “Security settings.”

  • Click “Two-factor authentication” and choose your preferred method (text message, authentication app, or security key).

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup process.

By implementing 2FA, you’ll enjoy greater peace of mind knowing your account has an additional layer of protection.

3. Watch out for fake emails and phishing attempts.

Cybercriminals often use phishing emails to trick unsuspecting users into providing sensitive information. These emails often look like they’re from X/Twitter. The sophistication of social engineering scams in recent years has skyrocketed. To avoid falling for such scams:

  • Verify the sender’s email address before opening any email that claims to be from X/Twitter.

  • Keep an eye out for inconsistencies in the email’s design, grammar, or links.

  • Never click on suspicious links or download attachments from unknown sources.

  • Never provide sensitive information via email, even if the message appears to be legitimate.

4. Switch to passkeys.

If you’re really serious about securing your X/Twitter account, it’s time to rethink your reliance on passwords. Instead, consider a safer alternative: passkeys. They represent a novel authentication approach that allows users to securely access their accounts and devices through passwordless methods such as biometrics, leveraging unique characteristics of individuals, including fingerprints, voice patterns, or even iris scans. In January 2024, X introduced passkey support for iOS devices, providing users with a more secure login option. So, if you own an iPhone or iPad, switch to passkeys and boost your online security today.

By following these tips and remaining vigilant, you’ll significantly improve the security of your X/Twitter account and enjoy a safer online experience.

Fortify your passwords using NordPass

In today’s digital era, the security of your passwords is a top priority and that is where NordPass can offer a lot of help. With NordPass, you can forget the hassle of remembering multiple passwords and enjoy a smoother browsing experience without compromising your security.

NordPass uses the XChaCha20 encryption technology to deliver unmatched security for your passwords. This advanced encryption ensures that your passwords and other sensitive information remain secure at all times.

In addition to helping you secure and use passwords more effectively, NordPass also lets you bid farewell to passwords altogether for even greater security and convenience. This is made possible thanks to NordPass’s support for passkeys. With them, you can quickly and safely log in to your online accounts without passwords. Instead, you can use, for example, a fingerprint scanner or other biometric tools to get instant access.

NordPass also enhances your online experience through its autosave and autofill features. When setting up a new account or updating your password, NordPass seamlessly saves the information in your encrypted vault.

The Autofill function guarantees you’ll never have to manually type out your login details again. Once you’ve saved your login credentials in NordPass, the app will automatically populate the necessary fields when you return to the site. This not only saves time but also mitigates the risk of typing blunders that could result in losing access to your account.

These days, a password manager is an essential tool for anyone who wishes to remain secure online. Secure your digital life by making NordPass an integral security tool in your toolbox. Try it now, and discover how smooth and secure life online can be with NordPass.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About NordPass
NordPass is developed by Nord Security, a company leading the global market of cybersecurity products.

The web has become a chaotic space where safety and trust have been compromised by cybercrime and data protection issues. Therefore, our team has a global mission to shape a more trusted and peaceful online future for people everywhere.

NordPass Desktop App: Release Notes

NordPass 5.15 (latest)

  • Item Sharing: We’ve revamped our sharing permissions so that you can now enjoy more control over the access a friend, family member or colleague has to an item. More permission options + more flexibility = more peace of mind. Check out the changes in your vault today!

  • Import: You can now easily transfer data from KeePass into NordPass via an XML file.

NordPass 5.14

Looking to import data into NordPass from another password manager? Good news we now support more file formats such as JSON, ZIP, and 1PUX.

NordPass 5.13

Introducing the latest NordPass updates:

  • New Feature: Instant Login: Logging into accounts just got even easier. Gone are the days of manually tapping the NordPass icon to fill in your passwords. With this update, NordPass automatically detects when you’re on a login page and offers to fill in your credentials for you. We hope you’ll enjoy the seamless login experience, but if you prefer the traditional method, fear not–you can disable this feature in Settings.

  • Email Masking Update: Forgot why you set up email masks? No worries! Now, you can easily identify which of your accounts are safeguarded by email masks with a quick glance.

NordPass 5.12

We’re kicking off 2024 with a few game-changing updates:

  • Email Masking: Say hello to our brand new Premium tool — Email Masking! With this tool, you can protect your real email address from spam and online threats by creating unique email masks every time a website asks for your details. With full control over email forwarding included as well, this tool really puts you in the driving seat.

  • Data Breach Scanner: We’ve enhanced this all-important tool so that you can now get real-time alerts if your credit card appears in a breach. We hope you enjoy the new look and feel too!

  • Import: We’ve tweaked our import settings so that you can now easily move all of your Proton Pass items over to NordPass.

NordPass 5.11

“Spreek je Nederlands?” Because we now do! That’s right, you can now use the NordPass extension and desktop app in Dutch — simply head over to Settings to adjust your preferred language. 

NordPass 5.10

We’ve waved bye-bye to some pesky bugs and have also spruced up the place a touch. Stay tuned for some big news that’s just around the corner!

NordPass 5.9

Hold on to your seat — we’ve got some very exciting news to announce:

  • Browser Extension: You now have the option to use a new standalone NordPass browser extension that doesn’t require our desktop app! That’s right, you can now enjoy a fast, fully browser-based NordPass experience on Chrome, Firefox, Safari and more.

  • Autofill: You asked, we’ve listened. You can now tweak your app settings to enjoy a better autofill experience on websites with a subdomain.

  • Password Health: When logging in to a website, you’ll now be prompted if your password is weak or reused so that you can quickly act to reduce the risk of your data falling into the wrong hands.

NordPass 5.8

Gather round, folks — we’ve got some exciting updates to share:

  • Data hosting: Organizations using NordPass Business or Enterprise can now choose to store company data in the European Union.

  • Autofill: You can now instantly search for a specific item to autofill on a webpage if it’s not automatically suggested for you.

  • Custom fields: You can now personalize your NordPass experience by adding custom fields to all item types. From passport numbers and bank details to dates of birth, you’re free to securely store exactly what you need.

NordPass 5.7

Here are just a couple of highlights from our latest release:

  • Autofill: As some websites (e.g. and require you to use the same login credentials, you can now add multiple web addresses to a single NordPass password item for a smoother autofill experience. Faster account access and a tidier vault sounds good to us.

  • Passkeys: Already using biometrics to unlock your NordPass vault? Good news you can now also use your face or fingerprint to verify your identity when using a passkey.

NordPass 5.6

We’ve given our passkey prompts a fresh coat of paint and have also now built them directly into the web browser experience, meaning no more jumping back and forth between our desktop app. Enjoy!

NordPass 5.5

With NordPass Enterprise, you can now instantly share a shared folder with a group! That’s right, instead of having to add teammates one by one to a shared folder, you can now share the folder with a large group of people in one go. Happy updating!

NordPass 5.4

Here’s what’s new in the latest NordPass release:

  • NordPass Business: Users can now move items with two-factor codes to shared folders. If a member has set up NordPass as an authenticator, they will be able to access the item’s two-factor code immediately.

  • Bug fixes: We’ve also fixed a few bugs and improved our app’s performance.

NordPass 5.3

As some web services now require an additional identity check to use a passkey, we’ve added a new authentication step to our passkey creation and login flows so that you can continue using passkeys to securely access your accounts.

NordPass 5.2

You asked, we’ve listened – our latest release is inspired by your valuable feedback:

  • Passkeys: You can now better control how often you see certain NordPass passkey prompts on websites. We’ve also introduced a new button in a couple of our passkey flows so that you can more easily switch to using another passkey solution instead of NordPass.

  • Autofill: You now have the power to change the autofill behavior of website form fields so that you’re suggested exactly the right information you’re looking for. For example, if you’re suggested credit card details on a login page, you can adjust the autofill logic so that you’re correctly suggested a password item in future.

  • File attachments: You can now save time by viewing attached .jpg and .png image files directly in the app, meaning there’s no longer a need to first download them.

Thanks as always for sharing your thoughts with us. If anything else crosses your mind, you can always find us at

NordPass 5.1

No major updates this time, just a new and improved app release with some under-the-hood performance upgrades – enjoy!

NordPass 5.0

Introducing… file attachments!

That’s right, with NordPass Premium you can now conveniently attach documents and images to any item so that you’ve got access to all-important info when you need it most. Contracts, copies of your IDs, cat photos – you name it, you can securely store it. We hope you enjoy this highly requested feature!

NordPass 4.38

Remember when we said we had some big news to announce soon? Well, here it is… say hello to a new item category: passkeys!

Passkeys are unique, end-to-end encrypted login credentials that are stronger and more convenient to use than passwords.

You can now use NordPass to create passkeys on supported websites. NordPass will also securely store your passkeys so you can use them to instantly log in to your accounts online.

Passwordless authentication: unlocked. Enjoy!

NordPass 4.37

We’ve waved bye-bye to some pesky bugs and have also spruced up the place a touch – enjoy!

NordPass 4.36

We’re starting off 2023 on the right foot with a release that’s faster and more reliable. Stay tuned for some bigger announcements!

NordPass 4.35

No major updates this time, just a new and improved app release with some under-the-hood performance upgrades – enjoy!

NordPass 4.34

We’re happy to present you with a new release. Here’s what we’ve got this time:

  • DESIGN CHANGES TO ITEMS. We updated how your item details are displayed. Hope you’ll like it.

NordPass 4.33

Building good things takes time. So since the last release, we have mainly focused on catching and eliminating pesky bugs.

NordPass 4.32

This time we’ve waved bye-bye to some pesky bugs and have also spruced up the place a touch – enjoy.

NordPass 4.31

We’re happy to present you with a new release. Here’s what we’ve got this time:

  • AUTOFILL DISABLEMENT ON WEBSITES. You can now disable autofill on any page that you don’t want to fill your details. It won’t reset when you refresh the page but you can turn it back on at any time.


NordPass 4.30

Here’s what you’ll see in the new NordPass release:

  • ONBOARDING UPDATE. New users will be greeted by a refreshed onboarding experience that will help them familiarize themselves with NordPass.

NordPass 4.29

No major updates this time, just a new and improved app release with some under-the-hood performance upgrades – enjoy!

NordPass 4.28

Building good things takes time. So since the last release, we have mainly focused on catching and eliminating pesky bugs.

NordPass 4.27

This time we’ve waved bye-bye to some pesky bugs and have also spruced up the place a touch – enjoy!

NordPass 4.26

No big announcements from us this time. However, we hope you’ll still enjoy an updated NordPass version with fewer bugs and better autofill.

recovery code

NordPass 4.25

Our bug busters have been working hard since the last time you heard from us. That’s why today we can proudly present another NordPass release with even fewer bugs. We hope you’ll like it.

NordPass 4.24

Building good things takes time. So since the last release, we have mainly focused on catching and eliminating pesky bugs.

NordPass 4.23

We’re happy to present you with a new NordPass release. Here’s what we’ve got this time:

  • UPDATED PASSWORD INFO. Now you’ll get more guidance on making your passwords more secure. Open any of your passwords, and you’ll see whether it’s been reused on other accounts or it’s too old and needs changing.

  • BUG FIXES. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Therefore, we continuously aim to catch pesky bugs and provide you with the best password management experience.

NordPass 4.22

Here’s what you’ll see in the new NordPass release:

  • SWITCH ACCOUNT. A long-awaited feature is here! If you have a few NordPass accounts, like personal and business, switching between them will now be a breeze. Just click on your profile account and look for a “Switch Account” button.

  • LITHUANIAN LANGUAGE. For our Lithuanian friends out there, you can now use NordPass in your mother tongue. Simply head to Settings to change the language.


NordPass 4.21

Our bug busters have been working hard since the last time you heard from us. That’s why today we can proudly present another NordPass release with even fewer bugs. We hope you’ll like it.

NordPass 4.20

We’re happy to present you with a new NordPass release. Here’s what we’ve got this week:

  • CARD PIN. From now on, you can also add your PIN when saving card details. Don’t worry; it won’t be autofilled. It’s for your reference only.

  • DELETE CLIPBOARD SETTING. When you copy your password or other item data, it’s normally saved in the clipboard. To avoid pasting it somewhere you didn’t intend; you can now choose the clipboard to clear after a set time.


NordPass 4.19

It’s international women’s day! So we want to take this opportunity and say thank you to all the beautiful women who tirelessly work at NordPass. It wouldn’t be the same without you.

P.S. We mainly focused on fixing bugs this time, so we hope you like a better running app.

NordPass 4.18

Here’s what you’ll see in the new NordPass release:

  • SUBDOMAIN SORTING IMPROVEMENTS. From now on, if you have multiple items saved for one domain, the account with the matching subdomain will be shown first.


NordPass 4.17

Did you know that January has a Blue Monday – the most depressing day of the year? The good news is it’s over. But if you’re still feeling a little bit blue, here’s a few things we’ve updated to hopefully cheer you up.

  • Safari import. You can now import passwords saved in Safari straight to NordPass.

  • Data Breach Report update. If your password appears in a Data Breach report and you update it on the website, select “Resolve” and the same details won’t appear next time you run the report.

  • Bug fixes. Caught many annoying bugs that hinder your experience.

Some write songs, some dedicate sonnets, some built monuments. We create release notes to honor each update of NordPass app for Windows, macOS and Linux. A single click of that magical “Update” button unlocks the newer, faster, better-performing world of stress-free password management.

NordPass 4.16

As Christmas is over, it’s time to make some New Year’s resolutions. But why wait? We want to become a better, smoother-running, and more user-friendly app now. We have strived for perfection since NordPass was launched, and this week is no exception. So we present you a new NordPass version with fewer bugs and more Autofill fixes.

NordPass 4.15

A good beginning makes a good ending, so why not start a week with a new NordPass release? Here’s what we’ve got this week:

  • BREACH SCANNER UPDATE. If your password was leaked in a data breach and you’ve reused it on other accounts, a new ‘Accounts at risk` tab will appear. There you’ll see a list of accounts that may be vulnerable. Don’t wait for a second and change their passwords to prevent cyber attacks.

  • AUTOFILL UPDATE. We’ve fixed a ton of autofill bugs so you’d have a smoother autofill experience on even more websites.

NordPass 4.14

We know that sometimes life throws challenges right at you. At those times, the last thing you want to think about is how and where to access your passwords.

That’s why from now on, you can give emergency access to your passwords and other items. Choose a person you really trust and invite them to be your emergency contact. Once they accept it, you can give them access immediately or wait for 7 days to be given automatically. Note: You can only give emergency access to another NordPass user with a Personal or Family plan.

NordPass 4.13

Trick or treat? Who are we kidding? It’s always just treated here at NordPass. So here’s our Halloween treat to you – a brand new NordPass release. Don’t worry, nothing to be scared of—just a smoother running version of your password manager.

NordPass 4.12

Tired of too many emails and banners? We get you, and we want to improve our communication with you. That’s why from now on, a lot of important information will appear as in-app notifications. So if you open the app and see a red dot next to a bell icon, just know that it’s something important from us to you.

P.S. We also solved a number of bugs.

NordPass 4.11

Getting your data stolen isn’t nice. But if that happens to you, it’s important to identify the stolen information and act quickly. That’s why with this release, Data Breach Scanner has gone even better. How?

If your data has ever appeared in any breach, you can now use the Breach Scanner to identify not just what type of data was leaked, but also see it in plain text. This includes passwords, your address, social security number, birth date, and other data types.

In addition to all this, we are continually working to improve one of our core features – Autofill. So expect to see more websites working flawlessly with NordPass.

NordPass 4.10

Can’t find tools to improve your password security? We got you. You’ll find security tools such as Password Generator, Data Breach Scanner, and Password Health in the sidebar from this release. More accessible to access and easier to use.

We also solved some pesky bugs to make your NordPass experience more enjoyable.

NordPass 4.9

What do you have in the box this time NordPass? Well, let me see…

  • Title and website address suggestion. That’s right, now when creating a new item, you only need to enter a few letters in the Title or Website address fields, and NordPass will suggest filling it with one of the thousand popular websites.

  • Spanish and Italian languages are now available on the NordPass extension.

  • Bug fixes, bug fixes, and more bug fixes.

NordPass 4.8

It’s August my friend. And you know what August is good for? Learning new languages.

Hablas español? Parli italiano? If you do, lucky you. Because you can now use NordPass in Spanish and Italian. Enjoy!

NordPass 4.7

Did you know that no one else has the same fingerprint as you? That’s why it’s the most unique password you can have. Dedicated Mac users, this release is for you. Yes, you can now sign in to your NordPass app with a fingerprint. Feeling like James Bond yet? We are!

P.S. We also solved a ton of pesky bugs to make your experience smoother than ever.

NordPass 4.6

Dear bugs, it’s time. Time to say goodbye. It won’t be the same without you. It will be better. The password managing experience will be much greater now.

NordPass 4.5

It’s officially summer, NordPass people! (Or winter, if you live in the southern hemisphere.) Wherever you are, we hope it’s sunny so that you can enjoy the brand new release. Here’s what we’ve got:

  • MULTIPLE ITEM SHARING. Sharing is caring, right? Well, now you can select multiple items and share them all at once. Easy peasy. Just always make sure you trust the people you share your credentials with.

  • PASSWORD GENERATOR HISTORY. You know that moment when you create a super-strong password with the NordPass Generator and forget to save it? Yeah, we’ve been there too. That’s why you’ll now see a little clock icon in your Generator where you can check your previously generated passwords.

  • BUG FIXES. And, of course, we won’t release a new NordPass version without getting rid of as many bugs as possible.

NordPass 4.4

“Speed” was the main keyword at NordPass this week. So what to expect in this release?

  • Updated designs so you could find your passwords or any other items at the speed of light.

  • Tons of bug fixes and maintenance work so that your app would work faster than ever and would be as pretty on the inside as it is on the outside.

NordPass 4.3

Don’t worry if you missed the chance to get NordPass Premium for less. The Summer Kick-Off Sale is here! Use this offer to get access to all the amazing Premium features.

Also, we have a little something for our Business users. From now on, all members who are added or removed from groups will be notified by email.

NordPass 4.2.18

Hello, world! We’ve prepared a nice little juicy pack of updates – just for you. Please give a warm welcome to:

  • Double EXTENSION-upgrade: from now on, not only it speaks German fluently but also is available in Dark Mode. Ready to give some rest for those sore eyes?

  • A new ge-ne-ra-tion for stronger passwords! Check out the PASSWORD GENERATOR to enjoy shiny new looks and (finally!) PASS-PHRASES for nice-and-strong-memorable-passwords.

NordPass 4.1

We are working hard on bringing Dark Mode to the NordPass extension. In the meantime, we are also doing some good old maintenance work. So expect to see some design changes in the browser extension and forget the existence of annoying bugs.

NordPass 4.0

Today is the day! You know what we are talking about. You asked for it; we delivered it. And oh boy, how good it looks! You’ll believe it once you see it.

OK, we recommend sitting down for this one. Then open your NordPass app, update it to the newest version and enjoy the shiny new DARK MODE.

And if that doesn’t impress you, well, then we have more news. You can now use NordPass in German. Whether it’s your mother tongue or just want to polish your German skills, you can now change your language preference in Settings.

NordPass 3.31

This time we’ve got many design changes to make your life easier. So let’s get to it. Here’s what you’ll see in this release.

  • TOAST MESSAGES UPDATE. Some of the success messages, such as when you import items or update your app, were outdated, so we made them easier to understand.

  • MULTISELECT REWORK. We noticed that the sorting option was missing when multiple items were selected. We introduced this option and changed long-winded buttons to visually pleasing icons.

  • BROWSER EXTENSION UPDATE. You can now access Tools from the NordPass extension, including the Password Health and the Data Breach Scanner.

NordPass 3.30

Are you ready to switch off the lights? Because Dark Mode is coming very very soon. We are working hard to make sure everything looks perfect for the release. A few more things, and we are done. Keep your eyes peeled.

In other news, we fixed some annoying bugs we found in Groups and took care of other bugs.

iconless styling

NordPass 3.29

Sometimes what we do is either too difficult to explain or too difficult to see. Yes, you guessed it. This week we put all our effort into finding and getting rid of bugs. We hope we’ll have something more exciting for you next week.

NordPass 2.34

NordPass has gone through some serious spring cleaning with this release. Why do we say so? Here’s what we did:

  • B2B GROUPS BUG FIXES. It’s new, fresh, and now with fewer bugs.

  • APP BUG FIXES. We’ll never give up on perfecting NordPass.

  • EXTENSION DESIGN REWORK. So much better looking now! You have to see it to believe it.

And something exciting is coming up very soon. So stay tuned. 😉

NordPass 2.33

This time, we’ve got good news for Business users. Let us introduce GROUPS. Admins and Owners can now assign members to groups and share passwords with a number of people instantly. Think, your finance department sharing login details every accountant needs to access.

Anything else? Of course, we got rid of more nasty bugs.

NordPass 2.32

Happy April Fool’s! Stay vigilant, and don’t get tricked by any hackers. Keep your passwords safe with an updated NordPass app. Here’s what we’ve got this time:

  • CHANGES TO MASTER PASSWORD CREATION. Now it’s easier to understand what that mysterious Master Password is and how it is different from your Nord Account password. BUG FIXES as usual.

NordPass 2.31

It’s spring! Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and NordPass is releasing another update. In this release, you’ll find: KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS. You can now use CTRL + F to search your items and CTRL + L to lock your app instantly. BUG FIXES. No bugs allowed here.

keyboard shortcuts

NordPass 2.30

NordPass bug hunters strike again. Yes, you guessed it. We got rid of more pesky bugs so you could enjoy an even smoother experience with NordPass. That’s it for now!

NordPass 2.29

“Could NordPass be any better?” asks our team every single week. And the answer never changes. YES, it can!

But it’s not always about new features and crazy advancements. Sometimes it’s all about perfecting those nitty-gritty details. So this week, we say another goodbye to a bunch of bugs. Bye, we won’t miss you.

NordPass 2.28

Another week, another release of a better, faster, and more secure NordPass app. And for this we say a BIG thank you to our bug hunters (aka developers). You guys rock.

NordPass 2.27

If NordPass was a dog, what would he say to a flea?

  • Stop bugging me.

The good news NordPass doesn’t need to endure nasty bugs. Bye-bye, bugs. We don’t wanna see you no more.

NordPass 2.26

Ready, set, new release! What can you expect to see in the new and shiny NordPass 2.26?

EXTENSION REWORK. Updated, upgraded, and overall better-looking browser extension. But what did we actually do? Well, we just made it even more similar to your desktop app, meaning more functional and easier to use. Voila!

BUG FIXES. Can you tell we don’t like insects? No bugs are allowed in our app. Yuck.

NordPass 2.25

It’s a very special day today. We thought about it over and over again. We were constantly considering, overthinking, and having sleepless nights about it. We even visited a fortune teller to ask if you’ll like it, or not. Yet still, our developers were nervously (but carefully!) coding that code.

And here it comes. A sincere love letter. In PDF format. Containing your Recovery Code. Save it, delete it, save it again, print it – do whatever you want, but please, keep it safe. And don’t show to anyone else! It was created from the bottom of our hearts to express how much we LOVE YOU.

Take care!

And don’t forget to update the app to get those extra bug fixes.

NordPass 2.24

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a password manager named NordPass lived. His goal was to become the best password manager that there ever was. And he did it one release at a time.

He proudly presents his latest achievements:

  • AUTOSAVE AND PASSWORD EDIT UPDATES. Now it will be easier to understand when NordPass is prompting to update an old password or when it is offering to save a new one automatically.

  • HELP SECTION ADDED TO SETTINGS. If you need help using NordPass, head to Settings to be directed to the Help Center.

  • COPY CHANGES. Salvador Dali might have said not to fear perfection as we’ll never reach it, but we’ll still give it a good go.

  • BUG FIXES. No need to call the pest control officer; we got it fixed.

NordPass 2.23

AbraCadabra boom! No, it’s not magic. It’s just your passwords and personal information filling in quicker and smoother than ever before. Bye-bye, annoying bugs who tried to stop you. What else can you expect in this release?

  • ONLINE/OFFLINE INDICATOR appears in the NordPass extension.

  • COPY CHANGES to make the app easier to navigate.


NordPass 2.22

New Year, new NordPass release. Here’s what you’ll see in the latest version:

  • EASIER LOG IN WITH NORD ACCOUNT. We tweaked the steps you take logging in to NordPass for a smoother experience.

  • BUG FIXES, because no one likes bugs.

  • RECOVERY CODE PDF. You will now be able to download your Recovery Code in PDF. Keep it somewhere safe. 😉

recovery code

NordPass 2.21

Yeah, Christmas will be different this year. But we’ve still got something to spread a little cheer.

In this release, you will see:

  • ICONLESS ITEMS STYLING. Your passwords that don’t have dedicated icons will light up in a variety of colors.

  • BUG FIXES. Well, it cannot be called a release without bug fixes, right?

iconless styling

NordPass 2.20

“You guys give up? Or are you thirsty for more?” – Kevin, Home Alone, 1990

That’s the NordPass spirit, Kevin! We’ve got more:

  • Design changes. Yes, the sky’s the limit for our designers, sorry.

  • Password Generator update. Did we mention that it’s important to have long and unique passwords?

  • Browser extension update. Easier to understand, prettier to look at.

desktop instagram

NordPass 2.19

I don’t want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don’t care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree

Don’t want NordPass for my own
More than you could ever know
Making this wish come true
Giving a bug-free NordPass for you

P.S. Thanks Mariah Carey for inspiration.

NordPass 2.18

NordPass has turned 1 year old this week. Just on time for Thanksgiving, can you believe it? And we can honestly say this year we are the most grateful for YOU, our dear NordPass user. You, who believed in us and drove us to release one update after another.

So here’s one more. Full of even more design edits, bug fixes, and love:

  • LOGINS TURN TO PASSWORDS. Now all across the app, you’ll see the term “Password” instead of “Login” because it’s just easier to understand.

  • CHOOSE FOLDER WHEN AUTOSAVING to organize your passwords there and then.

  • RENEWED IMPORT. Importing passwords in bulk is now easier than ever.

  • MINOR DESIGN CHANGES because, let’s be honest, who doesn’t like a good-looking app.

  • NORD ACCOUNT DEEPLINK FIXES. No more accidental logouts when you use NordVPN and change your IP.

NordPass 2.17

Xmas is in less than 35 days. You’re welcome.

In other news, our designers, developers, and copywriters are presenting you with another brand new update. This time we fixed the annoying-forever-loading spinner, made minor changes to the way you see your items’ details, and updated the copy to make your app even more easier to navigate. Until next time 😉

NordPass 2.16

We know you have better things to do (like keep up with the news on the current presidential election. Yikes, so intense!). So we thought, ‘who are we to bombard you with more messages?’. Poof! Your login and logout messages are gone.

To make your day a little bit brighter, we also made some improvements to your items layout. And we can describe it with just one word – SLEEK. You’ll believe it when you see it 😉

And NordPass update wouldn’t be an update without bug fixes. We did the dirty work and crushed them once again.

NordPass 2.15

Trick or treat? Treat, always. We might be a few days late to any online Halloween party, but, to make up for it, we are bringing new treats to your desktop app:

  • ADD ITEM IN FOLDER. You can now add items straight from your folders. Easy, breazy, and all your items are organized.

  • ITEM DETAILS FIXES. “There is no limit to perfection!” screams the NordPass design team. Your items will now look more beautiful than ever.

  • OTHER LITTLE BUG FIXES. Little bugs and spiders might fit the Halloween theme, but they don’t look good in your NordPass app. We got rid of them to make your experience smoother and safer.

NordPass 2.14

Providing high-quality password-managing experience, routine maintenance and working under-the-hood is just as essential as releasing a new shiny feature. So nothing grand this time — just the usual bug-fixing and design-improving business. We’re packing and sending best wishes along with app improvements your way!

NordPass 2.13

  • BUG FIXES. Sometimes you couldn’t scroll down to the end of your passwords list. You simply couldn’t. The good news is that we did some magic tricks, so now you can.

  • BUG FIXES. We’ve also changed the font style, the button style, and the spacing style in the context menu of your passwords list (not exactly a bug, but we wanted to keep the release notes in style).

  • BUG FIXES for everyone.

  • BUG FIXES. Sometimes you couldn’t scroll down to the end of your passwords list. You simply couldn’t. The good news is that we did some magic tricks, so now you can.

NordPass 2.12

When life gives you Monday, we release the app update. Let’s see what we’ve got:

  • IN-APP NOTIFICATIONS sometimes were over-competitive and tried to overlap each other. Someone smart once said that the best way to kill competition is to partner it. So after some inspiring conversations about team spirit, the attitude was fixed – all notifications now act super friendly.

  • DESIGN BUG FIXES. Yes, sometimes bugs may look stylish. Even pretty. They are still bugs – and they are out now.

  • PASSWORD HEALTH IMPROVEMENTS. The development department was very excited about changing something with the algorithm. All I know is that the health of your passwords will be calculated even more accurately. I only write release notes – please don’t judge me. And have a nice day!

NordPass 2.11

Hey there! How are you? Ready for the update? Let’s go:

  • BREACH REPORT. This one feels like a lottery. By clicking a ‘Scan’ button, you can find out if any of your accounts were ever caught in data breaches. However, it probably is the first lottery where it’s better not to ‘win’ anything.

  • DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS. They see you scrollin’, they hatin’, – because scrolling with that new scroll bar has never felt so good. Just give it a go.

NordPass 2.1

Another week – another update. Let’s roll!

  • DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS. Yes, we did it again. We’ve played with UI, got lost in perfecting the details. Oh, baby baby. Yes, the item lists now look neat, the font is sent from above. It all looks perfect now!

  • PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS. Let’s be honest – after entering your Master Password to unlock the vault, the app window was getting overexcited and moved all over the place. Not that it was a bad thing – but those moves really weren’t good. So, we’ve sent the app to some dancing classes. The result – the app learned some solid, stylish but still moves – more like JLo style.

NordPass 2.9

Faster than light.

We’ve spent hours trying to find the right word to describe the improved speed of opening your passwords (and other items) in the vault, but none of them was good enough. They say that action speaks a thousand words, so enjoy viewing your items at full speed.

NordPass 2.8

Passwords are more human-natured than you could possibly think. They need a safe and cozy place to stay. Most of them eat well (cheat days included 😉 ) and constantly work out to become faster and stronger. However, sometimes they also may feel weak and unwell, so regular health check-ups are crucial. Luckily, we’ve found an easy way to maintain their well-being – set up a password health checker in the app. Take a chance to make your precious passwords happier (and accounts safer) without leaving the house.

Stay safe, everyone!

NordPass 2.7

The idea of throwing this party came out of thin air. Why not, we thought – work hard, party harder, right?

So we’ve ordered lots of food and drinks (everyone was curious seeing what new employees look like when they’re drunk), brought in a magical photo booth (making selfies was too mainstream), and prized trivia (to avoid awkward silences), and live music by our beloved DJ “Vibe Manager”.

Time flew, the party’s got in full swing (no one seemed to be running out of things to talk about – phew). Even NordVPN and NordLocker stopped by. After a not-work-related heated discussion about data privacy and online security, they promised to join our “Tools” department. Like, forever.

Autofill department surprised everyone with funky moves – those icons felt like dancin’ till the break of dawn. It was fun until the ‘fun’ went out of control – and out of login fields. Luckily, after taking a chill pill, everything’s got back in order.

By the way, some unwanted URL spaces were trying to crash both the party and the app. That’s kind of rude, so we’ve asked them to leave.

We’ve finished with a small team-building session with cleaning the office – it’s now nice and clean – and so is the app (we hope so).

That’s it – peace out!

NordPass 2.6

Our engineers are all about perfection. They literally were calculating coordinates for pixel-perfect autofill icons placement. However, some “wind of change” has happened, and those icons ended up finding their home OUTSIDE the login fields. Sorry for that – this unforgivable mistake was fixed.

Also, some sneaky, crawly, totally gross bugs were caught and removed. The app is much better without them – enjoy!

NordPass 2.5

This release contains some behind-the-scenes magic, usual tinkering-under-the-hood and minor design tweaks. By hitting the “Update” button, you will get one step closer to top-notch password-managing experience. Stay well!

NordPass 2.4

They say – small changes make a big difference. Behold – the update with a bunch of app upgrades is here. Let’s see what we’ve got here:

  • VISUAL IMPROVEMENTS. Mirror mirror on the wall, who is prettiest of them all? Well, our designer’s brush made some magic tweaks, so the answer is clear now – it’s those tiny cute little app icons. Lookin’ good!

  • APP LOADING FASTER. Need for speed? You’re welcome! Fasten your seatbelt and put the pedal to the metal – the project “Make the app faster” was completed successfully.

  • BUG FIXES. Dear sneaky bugs, thanks for visiting, farewell, let’s never meet again.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About NordPass
NordPass is developed by Nord Security, a company leading the global market of cybersecurity products.

The web has become a chaotic space where safety and trust have been compromised by cybercrime and data protection issues. Therefore, our team has a global mission to shape a more trusted and peaceful online future for people everywhere.

PINs vs. Passwords: Which is more secure?

Are you team passwords or team PINs?

Passwords and secret codes have been used for thousands of years to keep information safe and private. In today’s digital world, we continue to rely on these methods to protect our data and online accounts. Most people use either passwords or PINs to secure their digital assets, and there has been an ongoing debate about which is more secure.

Some users find PINs secure enough and appreciate that they’re short and easy to remember. Password advocates argue that PINs, usually just a few digits long, offer far fewer combinations, making them more vulnerable to cyber attacks. There are also those who suggest that both PINs and passwords serve the same purpose of authentication and can be equally safe, as well as people who doubt the security of either approach.

Let’s explore this topic to see whether PINs or passwords offer greater security.

What is a PIN?

To understand PINs and passwords, let’s start with the basics. PIN stands for “Personal Identification Number,” a numerical code used to verify a user’s identity. PINs were first introduced in the 1960s along with cash machines (ATMs), and to this day, a typical PIN consists of four to eight digits, providing a relatively simple way to authenticate a person.

The simplicity of a PIN has its pros and cons. Because it’s usually short and made up of numbers, a PIN is easy to remember. However, if a PIN has only four digits, there are just 10,000 possible combinations. While that might sound like plenty, in today’s world of advanced technology, it’s not as secure as you’d think. It’s actually super easy for powerful computers to crack these PINs.

PINs are usually entered manually on touchscreen devices, which makes automated brute-force attacks less effective. Additionally, most systems that use PINs have a limit on the number of failed attempts allowed before locking the user out. For instance, if a device only allows six attempts to enter a PIN, there is a 0.06% chance that someone could crack a four-digit PIN simply by guessing. However, if your PIN is as common as ‘0000’ or ‘1234,’ the chances of getting hacked go up significantly.

What is a password?

A password is a secret word, phrase, or string of characters used to confirm someone’s identity or to gain access to a system, application, or device. It can be just about anything—a word, a set of numbers, or a mix of both. To make it secure, a strong password should combine numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and special characters and be at least 12 characters long.

Like PINs, digital passwords first appeared in the early 1960s and have been in use ever since. If you take a 10-character password, it can have a massive 59,873,693,923,837,900,000 possible variations. This might make you think you already know which of the two options is more secure, but things aren’t as straightforward as they seem.

Passwords are often used for online accounts or devices that usually don’t have a limit on failed login attempts. This makes them vulnerable to automated brute-force attacks, where a program systematically tries all possible combinations to crack the password. Not every brute-force attack is practical, though, because it could take years to break into a strong password. However, hacking technologies are evolving quickly, making these attacks more efficient and raising the odds of success.

Password vs. PIN: Which is safer?

It’s time to answer the big question: Which is safer, passwords or PINs? Technically, passwords are more secure if they’re strong enough. Even with the latest hacking software, it could take hundreds of years to crack a complex 12-character password. Using a 16-character password might extend that time to thousands of years. So, if you’re looking to protect your device or online account, using a strong password is a better choice than a PIN.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you should stop using PINs altogether. PINs are a practical and secure method to unlock your touchscreen device, for example. Using them is quick and often has a limited number of attempts before locking, adding an extra layer of protection.

However, if you really care about the security of your online accounts and digital assets, consider using both passwords and PINs generated by a multi-factor authentication (MFA) tool. In this case, after you enter your account’s password, the MFA tool prompts you with a unique PIN that you must enter to verify your access. This extra layer of security ensures that even if someone gets hold of your password, they won’t be able to access your account without the additional verification step.

How to create a secure PIN

If you are to create a PIN for your touchscreen device or credit card, make sure it is as secure as possible. Here are some guidelines on how to achieve that:

  1. Stay away from simple, easily guessable PINs like “1234,” “0000,” “1111,” “123456,” or “9876.”

  2. Don’t use personal information such as birthdates, anniversaries, phone numbers, or other details that someone could easily guess.

  3. Don’t write down your PIN or store it in an insecure manner (like a note on your phone)—just memorize it.

  4. If possible, create a PIN that is longer than four digits.

How to improve your password security

The first thing you should do to improve your password security is to ensure that all your passwords are strong and stored securely. Since we’ve already stressed the importance of unique and complex passwords, let’s now shift our attention to the storage part.

Many people still keep their passwords in their notebooks or notes on their phones, not realizing how insecure that is. But the reasoning behind this habit isn’t too surprising. After all, memorizing all your passwords isn’t exactly easy. According to our study, the average person juggles a whopping 87 passwords just for work. For most of us, this is way too many to even try to remember. So, how do you address this problem? You use a reliable password manager like NordPass.

NordPass provides an encrypted virtual space where you can safely store and manage all your passwords, passkeys, credit card details, and other sensitive information. It is also lightning-fast at generating strong passwords, allows you to securely share credentials with the people you trust, and even checks if your login data has been compromised in a breach. So, if you’re looking for a way to improve your password security, NordPass is your go-to solution.

Try passwordless authentication

It might come as news to some of you that nowadays, you can skip the whole dilemma of choosing between PINs or passwords altogether and opt for a far more secure solution. This is because there is a new authentication method that lets you securely log in to websites and apps without entering a password or a PIN—and it’s called “passkeys”.

A passkey consists of two distinct cryptography keys: a public key, which is registered with the website or app, and a private key, which remains stored locally on your device and never leaves it. During login, these keys are matched up, granting you access to the website.

As already mentioned, NordPass lets you store passkeys, ensuring fast and secure access to your online accounts. This allows you to utilize biometrics, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, for authentication, making the whole process much easier and safer. Therefore, if you’re truly committed to improving the security of your online accounts, we suggest you go passwordless with NordPass and switch to passkeys on accounts and applications.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About NordPass
NordPass is developed by Nord Security, a company leading the global market of cybersecurity products.

The web has become a chaotic space where safety and trust have been compromised by cybercrime and data protection issues. Therefore, our team has a global mission to shape a more trusted and peaceful online future for people everywhere.



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