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Joop Solutions and SafeDNS at the Heart of 24 Endurance México

In the world of motorsports, every second counts. Similarly, when it comes to providing seamless and reliable connectivity at events like 24 Endurance México, which took place from December 11 to 13, 2023. The season-closing event witnessed an extraordinary display of not just racing prowess but also technological innovation, and Joop Solutions met the challenge by delivering a Wi-Fi connection at its best.

Joop Solutions took a leading role in ensuring that 24 Endurance México is not only a thrilling spectacle on the race track but also a perfect digital experience for visitors, sponsors, and participants. With a robust network infrastructure, Joop Solutions provided a total of 12 access points, serving 1,395 unique Wi-Fi and wired client devices.

With a response time of 23 milliseconds, users experienced high connection speed, which contributed to the overall success of the event. Total data usage reached 775.64 GB, demonstrating high demand for a reliable and high-performance network.

Safe and Secure Connection with SafeDNS

By implementing the SafeDNS web filtering solution, the connection not only remained robust but also provided a layer of protection against potential threats. The use of SafeDNS enhanced the security of the network and contributed to optimizing traffic, ensuring a consistently high connection speed.

For almost 6 years, SafeDNS has proudly partnered with Joop Solutions, offering unparalleled support and services. Together, we have successfully delivered secure and high-speed Wi-Fi connection to a multitude of large-scale events across Mexico, including fairs like BAZAR HOTBOOK and races such as 24 Endurance.If you are a Wi-Fi provider seeking to enhance your services, don’t hesitate to reach out. Let us empower you to provide the best possible experience for your clients!

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About SafeDNS
SafeDNS breathes to make the internet safer for people all over the world with solutions ranging from AI & ML-powered web filtering, cybersecurity to threat intelligence. Moreover, we strive to create the next generation of safer and more affordable web filtering products. Endlessly working to improve our users’ online protection, SafeDNS has also launched an innovative system powered by continuous machine learning and user behavior analytics to detect botnets and malicious websites.

10 Strategies for Boosting Your Wireless Network Security

The ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats poses a significant challenge to network administrators. One area of focus that requires continuous monitoring and upgrades is wireless network security. Here are ten effective strategies that you can employ to fortify your organization’s wireless network against potential cyber threats.

1. Update Your Network Infrastructure

Here’s the thing, cybercriminals are opportunists. If they spot a weakness in your wireless network, they won’t hesitate to take advantage. So, let’s get ahead of them. The first order of business? Updating your network infrastructure. Yes, that means all the hardware – routers, switches, the works. But don’t stop there. It’s not just the physical gear that needs to be current; we also need to look at the software and firmware. By staying on top of updates, you’re patching up any potential security gaps that could give hackers an open invitation. Remember, in the game of cyber security, the offense is the best defense. So, don’t just play catch up. Keep your wireless network security in tip-top shape with frequent updates and you’ll be giving those pesky cyber invaders a run for their money.

2. Implement Strong Encryption

Alright, let’s talk about encryption. Think of it as the secret language of your network. Only the devices on your network can understand this language, making it nearly impossible for any eavesdroppers to make sense of your data. Now, you might be wondering, what’s the best secret language to use? Enter WPA3, one of the strongest encryption standards out there. It’s the code-cracking, cyber-secure ninja you need on your team. But remember, even the best encryption can be busted with a weak password. So, let’s not make it easy for the bad guys, okay? Avoid obvious passwords like ‘password123’ or your birth date. Go for something complex and unique. Maybe throw in some symbols, uppercase letters, or even a fun, random word. The point is, don’t be predictable. And one more thing, change these passwords regularly. It’s like changing the locks on your doors, keeping intruders on their toes. So, get cracking on that encryption and secure password and let’s keep those cybercriminals guessing.

3. Deploy Firewall and Anti-malware Protection

Ever heard of a medieval castle with no walls? Of course not. Those walls were the first line of defense against intruders, just like a firewall is for your network. This silent warrior stands between your network and the world of cyber threats, turning away suspicious traffic and giving a big fat “access denied” to malicious invaders. But we’re not stopping there. Let’s bring in some anti-malware protection. Think of it as your network’s personal bodyguard, scanning for any sketchy software that managed to slip past your firewall. Catching these bad guys before they can do any real damage is the name of the game. Of course, both your firewall and anti-malware software need to stay sharp to keep up with the latest threats. That means regular updates are a must. Consider them like training sessions, keeping your defenses ready for whatever comes their way. So, keep your guard up and your software up-to-date to make sure your network stays as impenetrable as a fortress.

4. Secure Your IoT Devices

Look around you, how many devices are connected to your network right now? Your office printer, the smart fridge in the break room, even the temperature control system – all these are IoT devices. The problem is, each of these devices is like a new door into your network, potentially inviting cyber baddies for a stroll through your data. Doesn’t sound too fun, does it? But don’t sweat, here’s what we can do. First, let’s ditch those default passwords. They’re like a welcome mat for hackers. Choose a strong, unique password for each device. And don’t forget to keep their software updated. It’s like giving these devices their own personal body armor against cyber attacks. Lastly, if there’s any device you’re not using, disconnect it. No point leaving an unused door open, right? With these steps, you’re not just connecting devices to your network, you’re making sure they’re secure. Let’s turn those potential entry points into dead ends for any would-be intruders.

5. Establish a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Let’s talk about VPNs, or Virtual Private Networks. Picture this: You’re in a crowded coffee shop, and you’re trying to send a top-secret message to a colleague. You wouldn’t just shout it across the room, right? You’d want to pass a secure note. That’s basically what a VPN does. It creates a secure tunnel for your data to travel through, keeping it safe and confidential. This is super useful, especially if you have folks in your team who log in remotely. It’s like giving them a secret passageway into your network, away from prying eyes. So, start implementing a VPN, and let’s keep that data undercover, because in this coffee shop we call the internet, there are way too many eavesdroppers.

6. Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Alright, next up on our security strategy hit list is two-factor authentication, or 2FA. Imagine your network is a high-tech vault. Would you secure it with just one lock? Probably not. You’d want a couple of layers of security in place. That’s what 2FA is all about. It’s a double-check, a second confirmation that it’s really you trying to access your network. Maybe it’s a code sent to your phone, or it could be your fingerprint. It’s like a secret handshake for your network. Not only does it make unauthorized access a whole lot harder, but it also alerts you if someone’s trying to break in. After all, if you get a text with a 2FA code and you’re not trying to log in, that’s a clear red flag that something’s fishy. So, roll out that 2FA. It’s a simple move that can make a big difference in keeping your network secure.

7. Regularly Monitor and Audit Your Network

Okay, let’s liken your network to a bustling city. You wouldn’t just rely on fences and locks to keep it safe, right? You’d need a dedicated team watching over it, spotting anything out of the ordinary. That’s where regular monitoring and auditing come in. It’s like your network’s own surveillance team, keeping a watchful eye on every byte and packet. Maybe there’s an unexpected surge in network traffic in the middle of the night, or a device that you don’t recognize tries to connect. These could be signs of an attempted break-in. Automated monitoring tools can raise the alarm, alerting you to these unusual activities. Just like a CCTV system can catch a prowler, regular network audits can pick up on any sneaky attempts to bypass your security measures. Remember, in this city we call your network, we don’t wait for the bad guys to strike. We stay vigilant, ready to spot any suspicious activities. So, get those network audits rolling, and let’s keep our city safe, secure, and bustling with legitimate activity.

8. Enact Network Access Control

Okay, let’s envision your network like an exclusive club. Now, not just anyone should be able to stroll in, right? You need a bouncer, someone to check IDs at the door. That’s where Network Access Control (NAC) comes into play. NAC is the no-nonsense bouncer of your network, deciding who gets the VIP pass and who gets the boot. By setting some ground rules, or policies as we like to call them, you get to decide who, what, and when someone or something can access your network. Maybe you want to limit access during certain hours, or maybe you only want certain devices on the guest list. Whatever your rules, NAC makes sure they’re enforced, giving you granular control over your network’s guest list. And the best part? No awkward confrontations at the door. So, start setting up those policies and let your NAC system do the heavy lifting. Because in this exclusive club we call your network, only the right guests get the invite.

9. Conduct Regular Security Training

Alright, picture this. You’ve got the most advanced, foolproof security system installed in your home. But, one day, you leave the front door wide open. All those high-tech gadgets are useless if we forget the basics, right? The same goes for your network security. We can have all the encryption, firewalls, and VPNs in the world, but if your team doesn’t understand why they’re important or how to use them, we’re basically leaving the front door open to cyber threats. That’s why regular security training for your staff is absolutely crucial. We’re talking about helping them spot phishing scams, showing them why ‘password123’ is a bad idea, and reminding them about the perils of unsecured WiFi networks. Let’s make them our allies in this cyber battle. And remember, the threats keep evolving, so our training needs to evolve too. Let’s make security training a regular feature on everyone’s calendar. This way, we’re not just building stronger defenses around our network, but also nurturing a security-first mindset in our team. Because in the war against cyber threats, every single one of us is on the frontline.

10. Keep Up-to-Date with the Latest Threats

So, we’ve got this cyber realm, right? It’s a bit like the Wild West – always changing, always throwing new challenges our way. Just when we think we’ve got it figured out, a new cyber villain rides into town. But here’s the good news: you’re not alone in this showdown. There’s a whole community of cyber sheriffs out there, always on the lookout for the latest threats and trends. These folks live and breathe cybersecurity, and they’re always sharing their knowledge. So, why not tap into that? Get on those industry newsletters, join some professional forums, maybe even sit down with a cybersecurity expert now and then. It’s like forming your own posse of security gurus, always ready to give you the latest intel. By staying informed, you’re always a step ahead, ready to adapt your defenses to whatever new challenge comes your way. Remember, in this cyber Wild West, knowledge is your most powerful weapon. So, keep learning, keep adapting, and let’s keep our wireless network as secure as Fort Knox.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About Portnox
Portnox provides simple-to-deploy, operate and maintain network access control, security and visibility solutions. Portnox software can be deployed on-premises, as a cloud-delivered service, or in hybrid mode. It is agentless and vendor-agnostic, allowing organizations to maximize their existing network and cybersecurity investments. Hundreds of enterprises around the world rely on Portnox for network visibility, cybersecurity policy enforcement and regulatory compliance. The company has been recognized for its innovations by Info Security Products Guide, Cyber Security Excellence Awards, IoT Innovator Awards, Computing Security Awards, Best of Interop ITX and Cyber Defense Magazine. Portnox has offices in the U.S., Europe and Asia. For information visit, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.。

Richard Štefíček Is the New Chief Sales Officer of GREYCORTEX

January 10, 2024, Brno – GREYCORTEX, a leading Czech manufacturer of a cybersecurity network detection and response solution, strengthens its sales team. The new chief sales officer, Richard Štefíček, replaces Pavel Malíř Chmelař, who will continue to focus on the development of new markets.

Richard Štefíček (LinkedIn) started his career after graduating from Brno University of Technology as a sales manager at TR instruments. Subsequently, he gained business experience during more than 10 years at Flowmon Networks, where he worked his way up to the position of channel manager for Central and Eastern Europe.

Štefíček adds: I am thrilled to contribute to the further growth and development of GREYCORTEX as sales director. I believe that my experience and knowledge will bring new opportunities and help us to take GREYCORTEX even further. My main priority will always be the satisfaction of our customers and building strong partnerships.”

The previous CSO, Pavel Malíř Chmelař (LinkedIn), who has been with the company since its founding in 2016, will use his extensive product knowledge and experience in building the Czech and Polish channels to develop new markets and enable the company’s partner channel.

With the arrival of Richard Štefíček in the role of CSO, GREYCORTEX is clearly demonstrating its intention to grow and strengthen its position on the market. Together with all our colleagues, we look forward to the next era of business growth under his leadership,” concludes Petr Chaloupka, CEO of GREYCORTEX.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

GREYCORTEX uses advanced artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data mining methods to help organizations make their IT operations secure and reliable.

MENDEL, GREYCORTEX’s network traffic analysis solution, helps corporations, governments, and the critical infrastructure sector protect their futures by detecting cyber threats to sensitive data, networks, trade secrets, and reputations, which other network security products miss.

MENDEL is based on 10 years of extensive academic research and is designed using the same technology which was successful in four US-based NIST Challenges.

The top three concerns plaguing the mind of VMware users in early 2024

The top three concerns plaguing the mind of VMware users in early 2024

As the new year unfolds, many VMware customers are facing uncertainty regarding the future of their IT environments and support networks. 

Based on discussions with current and previous VMWare customers and partners, I identified three major themes of concern right now in early 2024. In no particular order (but all of utmost importance), VMware users are worrying about: :

  • Future uncertainty
  • Universal licensing models
  • Costly maintenance.

Future uncertainty for VMware partners and customers

The acquisition of VMware by Broadcom has sparked widespread concerns within the industry, particularly regarding the latest news that Broadcom is to sell VMware’s EUC division to the highest bidder. They have also sent termination notices to VMware partners that are making below $500K in annual VMware revenue and taken top VMware accounts direct. This will have a significant impact on VMware customers, reducing the support they receive from partners and the channel alike.

The acquisition of VMware by Broadcom is a major development that has raised significant concerns in the tech industry. A key point of contention is Broadcom’s decision to sell VMware’s End-User Computing (EUC) division.

This move is seen as a strategic shift in the company’s focus, and it could have far-reaching implications for the EUC division’s future direction and performance.

Furthermore, the aforementioned decision to send termination notices to VMware partners generating less than $500K in annual revenue from VMware products is also raising alarm.

This action is likely to reshape the partner ecosystem, disproportionally affecting smaller partners. It raises questions about Broadcom’s long-term strategy for VMware and its commitment to a diverse and inclusive partner network.

For VMware customers, these developments could have serious repercussions. The reduction in the number of partners —especially smaller ones who might offer specialized or more personalized services —may limit the range of support options available to them. This reduced support might particularly impact those customers who rely heavily on these partners for technical support and customized solutions.

The overall situation highlights the challenges and uncertainties that can arise when a major player in the tech industry undergoes significant changes, especially in terms of mergers and acquisitions.

Universal licensing forces customers to make a choice

VMware customers who are exploring options like multi-cloud, hybrid environments, or transitioning to Azure Virtual Desktop face challenges stemming from complex licensing choices and software compatibility issues.

While VMware’s Universal Licensing provides support for hybrid configurations, it introduces additional costs, adding to the complexity and financial considerations for customers adapting to these advanced cloud solutions.

Expensive maintenance strains budgets and introduces security risks

The increasing costs associated with VMware’s licensing, combined with the necessity for specialized technical skills, significantly burden IT budgets. This financial strain can lead to challenges in adequately maintaining these systems.

Consequently, companies may face heightened security risks, as insufficient funding for proper upkeep could leave their VMware deployments vulnerable to threats and performance issues.

This situation underscores the importance of balancing cost management with the need for robust and secure IT infrastructure maintenance. To mitigate these apprehensions (and so much more), Parallels offers a promising solution in Parallels® RAS. It is a viable and potentially beneficial alternative for those seeking stability and efficiency in their IT operations.

What is Parallels RAS?

Parallels RAS is a flexible virtual application and desktop delivery solution that empowers organizations of all sizes to work securely from anywhere, on any device. The platform offers an agile, cloud-ready foundation and end-to-end security controlled by a centralized management console.

With Parallels RAS, you can leverage on-premises, hybrid, or public cloud deployments and integrate with existing technologies like Azure Virtual Desktop and Amazon EC2. With Parallels RAS, your organization gains the flexibility, scalability, and IT agility to quickly adapt to changing business needs.

Perhaps best of all, Parallels RAS offers a single, full-featured licensing model that includes 24/7 support and access to free training.

Parallels RAS: An excellent alternative for your VMware environment

Parallels was established in 1999 and has been a leader in the virtualization industry ever since, offering solutions for on-device, on-premises, and cloud platforms. Services include end-user computing, virtual client computing, and secure network access.

As a global leader in cross-platform solutions, Parallels enables millions of users to access applications and files on any device, anywhere, and at any time, enhancing flexibility and efficiency in technology use.

Parallels, with its expanding ecosystem and channel network, is well-positioned to support a broad range of customers, regardless of their size or industry. This growth in partnerships and distribution channels means that Parallels can cater to the diverse needs of individual users, small businesses, and large enterprises alike. Each customer segment benefits from tailored solutions that align with their specific requirements. This inclusive approach demonstrates the Parallels organization’s commitment to providing accessible, efficient, end-user computing, virtual client computing, and secure network access solutions.

By continuously expanding our ecosystem and strengthening our channel network, Parallels ensures that every customer, regardless of their size or technological needs, has access to the tools necessary for success in a rapidly advancing digital world.

“Prior to implementing Parallels RAS, our organization utilized Citrix Virtual Apps and Terminal Server (2012). We also looked at VMware Horizon, but the level of features offered by Parallels and the simplicity, ease of building it, and the fact we could implement the technology on our own encouraged us to proceed with Parallels RAS. We are very pleased to have chosen such a quality solution.”

-Neil Clarke, Infrastructure Lead, Platform Housing

No limits: The choice is yours for deployments and configurations

Parallels Remote Application Server (RAS) presents a comprehensive single-license model, equipped with a wide array of capabilities and features ready-to-use right out of the box. This versatility allows Parallels RAS to be effectively utilized in various environments and configurations.

In an on-premises setup, Parallels RAS can be implemented in either a single or multi-tenant configuration, catering to different organizational needs and sizes.

For organizations leaning towards cloud solutions, Parallels RAS offers full cloud experiences, deployable on public cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platforms. This flexibility extends to multi-cloud deployments as well, all manageable from a unified console, streamlining the management process and enhancing operational efficiency. Further underscoring its adaptability, Parallels RAS supports hybrid configurations, combining any of these deployment options. This capability allows for a more tailored approach that can meet specific IT requirements and strategies.

Moreover, Parallels RAS seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop. This integration supports both single and multi-session deployments, enabling a more versatile virtual desktop experience. Additionally, Parallels RAS offers support for Amazon AWS EC2, which widens the scope and enables choice and flexibility, allowing organizations to select the cloud service that best fits their needs.

These features collectively ensure that Parallels RAS removes typical restrictions associated with deploying IT strategies, offering an adaptable, efficient, and comprehensive solution for various IT needs and preferences.

Streamline maintenance with Parallels RAS

Parallels is engineered to streamline management processes, enabling it to be effectively managed by a smaller team and within fewer hours. The built-in efficiency begins with its unified management console, which centralizes the deployment, configuration, and management tasks, even across multiple sites and cloud providers. This single console approach simplifies the complexities typically associated with managing diverse IT environments.

To further ease the administrative burden, Parallels RAS includes QuickStart Wizards. These wizards guide administrators step-by-step through various processes such as configuring Session Hosts, publishing applications, integrating with Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), and setting up end-user connectivity.

Administrators can also manage FSLogix containers and settings entirely from this console, adding to the seamless experience. This intuitive guidance significantly reduces the time and effort required for configuration tasks.

Resource provisioning to users is another process built in to Parallels RAS. Administrators can consistently allocate resources via the same console, ensuring users have what they need for their tasks.

In addition to resource provisioning, the admin console facilitates secure access, load balancing, custom branding, and detailed reporting and monitoring. These features collectively contribute to a comprehensive management experience for IT departments.

The overall design of Parallels RAS, with its emphasis on a single-console management system, significantly simplifies the administrative experience. It offers a consistent and efficient way to deliver resources, especially in complex hybrid or multi-cloud scenarios. This design philosophy aligns with the goal of reducing the administrative workload while maintaining high efficiency and effectiveness in IT management.

“I would strongly recommend Parallels RAS because of its fast, flexible, and low maintenance deployment options, along with its granular security controls and overall ease of use for our end users. The HTML 5 client really eliminates all the headaches that came with the client support required of legacy VPN or VDI solutions.”

-Tyler Morgan, Chief Risk Officer, CISO Farmers & Merchants Bank

Discover why Parallels RAS is a great alternative to VMware — and try it free!

VMware users face uncertainty at the beginning of 2024 due to the Broadcom acquisition, plus the challenges of licensing complexities and high maintenance costs. Parallels RAS stands out as a strategic alternative.

The flexibility, ease of management, and comprehensive features of Parallels RAS offer a robust solution for businesses seeking efficient, secure, and cost-effective virtual application and desktop delivery.

Parallels RAS’s adaptability across various deployment models, coupled with its user-friendly management console and full feature set, position it as a compelling choice for organizations looking to navigate the evolving IT landscape with confidence and ease.

Become a Parallels Partner

Our mission is to empower businesses with seamless remote application and desktop delivery solutions. We provide a high-performance, secure, and user-friendly platform, enabling efficient access to applications and data from any device, anywhere. In these changing times, this mission becomes even more critical.

Here’s how we can help:

  • Tailored IT solutions: Access Virtualization and Secure Network Access (SNA) solutions for your customers.
  • 24/7 free IT support: Ensure a smooth transition to our solution with our round-the-clock support.
  • MDF program: Foster business growth through our Market Development Fund (MDF) program.
  • Free technical training: Enhance expertise with complimentary training and certifications.

Discover how you can become a Partner! Learn more.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About Parallels 
Parallels® is a global leader in cross-platform solutions, enabling businesses and individuals to access and use the applications and files they need on any device or operating system. Parallels helps customers leverage the best technology available, whether it’s Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android or the cloud.

The Zero Trust MSP advantage to unlock market potential

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) aim to boost their market share and client trust. When we compare specific elements of Zero-Trust solutions, like ZTNA vs VPN, we see that Zero Trust is generally more secure and effective. It’s becoming a key part of how MSPs work and serve their clients. Let’s examine the Zero-Trust framework and its impact on MSPs. 

Key takeaways

  • Zero Trust (ZT) operates on the idea that no one is trusted without ongoing checks and approvals.

  • Introducing ZT, MSPs face issues like customer hesitation, managing costs, and adapting to change.

  • The upsides, however, are significant, such as better security and more efficient work.

  • Before introducing ZT, ensure it fits your clients’ needs.

  • Trying out ZT with a few clients first can be a smart move.

Understanding Zero Trust

Zero Trust involves:

  • No assumed trust

  • Always denying access by default

  • Protecting data with tight controls

  • Specific, detailed access decisions

  • Constantly checking multiple cybersecurity factors

The Zero-Trust concept is a ‘never trust, always verify’ approach that checks all access requests, no matter where they come from.

Core components of the Zero Trust approach

Challenges for MSPs

Implementing Zero-Trust solutions can be tough. Challenges include:

  • Customers’ resistance to change. Moving from old tools to the Zero-Trust approach can be hard.

  • Cybersecurity knowledge gaps. Customers might not understand the benefits.

  • Overcoming misconceptions. It’s important to clear up any ZT myths.

  • Complexity of concepts. ZT should be made simple for users.

  • Proving effectiveness. MSPs need to show real benefits.

  • Cost concerns & ROI. Focus on long-term benefits, not just initial costs.

  • Change management. Adapting operations and training is key.

  • Compliance and regulatory issues. ZT must meet all standards.

  • Scaling solutions. Tailor Zero Trust for different organizations’ sizes and types.

  • Balancing security and user experience. Keep access strong but user-friendly.

Benefits of Zero Trust for MSPs

In this list, you’ll find advantages of Zero Trust as highlighted by the U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, and we’ve also added a few of our own insights from NordLayer:

  • Increased productivity. Zero Trust makes MSPs more efficient, helping employees work better.

  • Enhanced user experience. Users get secure, easy access to resources.

  • Reduced IT costs. The Zero-Trust approach cuts down on the need for lots of hardware.

  • Flexible access. It allows secure access to resources from anywhere.

  • Suitable for many businesses. Zero Trust works for businesses of any size.

  • Building trust and growing market share. Zero Trust raises MSPs’ credibility and client base.

  • Compliance and regulatory benefits. Zero Trust helps meet data protection laws.

  • Standing out in the market. The Zero-Trust approach sets MSPs apart, attracting new customers.

  • Efficient operations. Zero Trust simplifies cybersecurity management.

How MSPs can implement Zero Trust

To decide whether to offer ZT, consider:

  1. Understand customers’ needs: Do they handle sensitive data or operate in regulated industries?

  2. Check market demand: Is there a growing interest in Zero-Trust solutions?

  3. Assess your capabilities: Can you manage ZT solutions?

  4. Complement existing services: Does ZT fit with your current offerings?

  5. Seek vendor partnerships: Look for reliable ZT solution providers.

  6. Weigh costs and benefits: Weigh the investment against potential returns.

  7. Educate clients: Be ready to explain ZT benefits to your customers.

  8. Try a pilot program: Test the ZT approach with a few customers first.

How NordLayer helps MSPs

NordLayer, with its standout features like network access management, internet security, compliance tools, and flexible solutions, is an ideal partner for MSPs adopting the Zero-Trust approach. Our partner program and zero-trust solutions are tailored to business needs.

With hybrid work and cloud use, ZT becomes vital. It boosts security, builds trust, and grows market share. With the right approach, MSPs can overcome ZT challenges and benefit greatly.

Starting with ZT for customers

  • Join the MSP partner program. It’s simple to get started.

  • Use the service management portal specifically crafted for MSPs. It’s a unified platform to manage client networks using a Zero-Trust strategy.

  • Generate revenue. Start earning more with your new tools.

About Version 2
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia. The company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities.

About NordLayer
NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses – from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security.

The web has become a chaotic space where safety and trust have been compromised by cybercrime and data protection issues. Therefore, our team has a global mission to shape a more trusted and peaceful online future for people everywhere.

About NordLayer
NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses – from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security.

The web has become a chaotic space where safety and trust have been compromised by cybercrime and data protection issues. Therefore, our team has a global mission to shape a more trusted and peaceful online future for people everywhere.



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